Solidarity to @MarcDeMesel on his cruel treatment by African police

Solidarity to @MarcDeMesel on his cruel treatment by African police
Human compassion is what binds us all together, yet something is wrong with our society; people are harming each other. Do you know that about 3500 children go missing every day across the world? 25% of them are never seen or heard of again.
Comforting Pakistan, which is still recovering from the terrorist attack on APS( Army Public School) Peshawar.
Comforting New Zealand, which has recently experienced one of the most devastating attacks in its history.
Hoping for the best for the people of Nepal, who are still reeling from the devastating earthquake in April.
Carrying my pain for Paris, who is still dealing with the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in November last year.
We live in such a cruel world. So cruel that it becomes difficult to know who is your friend and who is not. I have been trying to write this article for quite some days now but didn't find the temerity to do it, so as not to be judged as one trying to pander our BCH patron. But after reading the post and watching the recent video posted on by @MarcDeMesel, I feel very sad knowing that the incident happened in Africa my continent.
I am writing this as an appeasement to our patron on behalf of Africa writers on and the Bitcoin cash community at large. As African, we have much respect for cultural values and respect for fellow humans as well. We respect foreigners especially those who came to better our lives. But greed is an inherent nature in man which unfortunately most people have allowed dominating their hearts.
I asked myself, what brought our patron to Kenya? I believe it's an act of love and expression of goodwill towards his girlfriend and Africa. In this case, Mr. Marc came to Africa as a prospective in-law.
We have a culture of treating our in-laws with much courtesy especially foreigners who came home with our daughters to meet with her parents and relatives, professing love openly. Mr. Marc did an honorable thing by going down to Kenya with his girlfriend to relate with her people. Even if other things may be attached to the journey and stay in Kenya, I believe it was love that brought him down to Africa.
But, our society has long changed the apparel of love to that of greed and jealousy, so much that it's now very difficult to know who is your friend. Everyone wants to exploit their neighbor, if they can't get it by hook they will get it by crook.
But, our society has long changed the apparel of love to that of greed and jealousy, so much that it's now very difficult to know who is your friend. Everyone wants to exploit their neighbor, if they can't get it by hook they will get it by crook.
Money is what makes the world go round, but a good person is what makes the world go round the right way. Mr Marc is had been a friend to us all, he is a great man with a heart as big as the ocean, you couldn't count on him not doing the right thing. The world and its leaders need more people like Marc to make it a better place.
Mr. Marc has been a blessing to us all on this platform and in the Bitcoin cash community, of which I knew there are several people of Africa descent and Kenya in particular. It's naturally right for us all to extend our solidarity and support to our patron over the inhumane treatment melted on him by the nefarious and unlearned police in Kenya.
Police brutality is an international phenomenon. An illness that is bedeviling our society. The police that is meant to protect the citizens are the very one humiliating them.
It is interesting how twisted the minds of the police officers are. Why do they torment someone who has not committed any crime whatsoever?. Torture is something done to someone who is convicted of a crime, and not to a gentleman holidaying with his love.
Coping with the inhuman actions of the police is difficult. And you can imagine what Mr. Marc must have gone through in the hands of those cruel cops in Kenya. I believe that to stand in solidarity with him, to show our support and grievance against the inhumane treatment of Mr. Marc by the police in Kenya, we must stand up against it in any way possible. I urge all Africa writers on this platform to express their opinion on the issue because I believe this is what we need to do.
This is a call for a united front against the inhumane treatment of Mr. Marc in Africa. We cannot continue to ignore and pretend that we are not aware of the incident, or simply hope it fades away on its own. Mr. Marc is pained, we must show our concern and possibly apologize to him for being humiliated in our land.
On behalf of the Africans on,, and the Bitcoin cash community at large, I extend my sincere concern and apology to Mr. Marc and his family.
I request you to watch @MarcDeMesel video from the link below to here know more about the incidence.
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