Chapter 9 - CONCLUSION

Frenzy savage2021/07/26 15:03

You have come far in your efforts to reign in your cellphone

addiction if you have made it to this point in the text. You

should be proud that you have taken the time to learn about

this epidemic and sought help. Not everyone has the

confidence to do this, and admitting and researching is the first


You’ve learned about the deleterious effects of excessive cell

phone usages. You’ve learned useful statistics that confirm the

existence of phone addiction, which also illustrate how

widespread this global issue truly is. You have even gotten an

inside look into the sneaky tactics social media engineers

impose upon you to assist in their respective client’s ulterior

motives regarding data collection.

You have developed healthy coping mechanisms and new skills

to fill your time. You have regained an understanding of how

important a sense of community and spending time with loved

ones is to increase mental health fitness. You have been taught

self-help tools and techniques which will promote a lifestyle

conducive to success and living an addiction-free life.

Know that you are not alone in suffering from this problem and

that many people around the world are facing the same issues

that you are currently. This is nothing to be ashamed of. You

have gained the knowledge and the abilities to ween yourself

off of these addictive devices so you can live your best life. As

long as you stay committed to improving your condition and

stay disciplined in your practices, you can beat your compulsion

and keep your behaviors in check.

You can do it!