[boy] can i talk 2 u 4 a minute?
he's thinking about how he's going to say this
[girl] ok?
what's this about she thinks to herself
[boy] we've been friends 4ever right?
just spit it out whimp! he yells at himself on the inside
[girl] yea
omg...what the hell is he tlking about
[boy] i...i'm...i'm in love with you
he looks at his shoes waiting for her to respond
[girl] what?
did I just hear what i think?
[boy] 4get it ....
[girl] tell me...plz
he's playing with me I just kno it
his eyes search her face...nothing
[girl] i...i...i can't love you like you love me
[boy].....i got to go
he walks off with a broken heart and tears blurring his vision. He falls asleep on the couch staring at the tv.
she stays up all night and the whole next day staring out the window looking at the rain. when she finally realizes she's in love with him just as much as he loves her.
[boy] I’m goin to sit in the backyard!
Lik anybody cares. He sits there in the rain in the ba