When the old lady left, khloe said to Tia "I don't think we should go to that mansion I heard it is haunted and a little boy died in this house a year ago and people think that his spirit is in the house still". After hearing this Tia wanted to change her mind but she had already promised the old lady that she would do it, and she never breaks her promise, so she begged her friend khloe.
Khloe agreed and so she decided to go with Tia so they took the doll and went to the Haunted mansion.when they arrived at the massive mansion they knocked on the door, a woman opened the door she said "yes?" In an angry voice, Tia and khloe looked at her with fright and said"we were asked to bring this doll for you". The woman looked at the doll with anger in her eyes and said "I'll be back wait here!" When the woman come back she had a knife in her hand with blood on it, Tia and khloe dropped the doll and ran back home.
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