3. How then can we use this body of knowledge as a Guide while we spend time on Earth?
Unfortunately, a lot of us, especially we Christians, have demonized this body of knowledge because the Bible spoke against divination. However, I believe Astrology is more than a mere divination. A careful look at this body of knowledge, we will come to a conclusion that, it is a science with a lot of empirical evidences collected over time based on the movement and arrangements of these celestial bodies, their positioning, intensity of their influence, proximity to earth , the place they appear and the effect of all these on the people and things on earth.
Take it or leave it, each celestial body has or is blessed with tremendous and unique qualities which they exert in this universe by casting their influence as they orbit around the sun. The sun and the moon are the most obvious ones which influences, we can all attest to.
The twelves zodiac signs are each ruled by a particular planet or celestial body and each is linked to a particular month in a year. Though there are overlaps because divisions are based on the 28 days cycle movement of the moon. I can't tell why a particular planet is assigned to a Zodiac Sign and neither can I say why they were arranged in such an order. However, we will delve deeper into all these, later.
But as I said earlier, each planet has its strengths and weaknesses, and those born under each of these signs absorb these qualities into their beings. But there is more to an individual Birth Chart than just the Sun Sign because at any particular point in time and place of birth, there are lots of celestial bodies in the sky at varying positions and each passes on their qualities and flaws to the newborn soul at a varying degree of influence. Human by our make, we are receptive to vibration, and we absorb and repel energy in our environment consciously or unconsciously anytime.
This individual astrological birth chart information is very important for every soul-journey on earth, if not the most vital. Why because it contains information pertaining to every aspect of one’s life even to the food we eat and the type of minerals lacking in our body.
This astrological information helps a person to understand his/herself better and to know why something comes to him/her naturally while others are hard to come by. It explains to individuals why he/she is here on earth and what his/her soul challenges he/she has to work on.
This was the information, the three wisemen in the Bible walked on to come and honor the royal and divine birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“Jesus was born “magi from the East arrived in Jerusalem, asking, 'Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? We have observed the rising of his star, and we have come to pay him homage'” ( Matthew 2:2 ). “
In conclusion, if we can all take some time off to know ourselves and to understand the time and seasons in our lives and be aware of the celestial influence on us, we will be in a better position to face our individual trials and tribulations with a light heart. Again , we will be able to live life with more openness and love until such a day and stage in our spiritual growth, we will be able to live above and beyond the influence of the celestial bodies. Remember, the Creator has given us all these celestial bodies to Guide us in our incubation process and to Lead our Path back into Him.
SGD Austine Kekeli
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