Alternative: Rapid Reorganization of Systems and Society
Just thirty years ago the world would not have imagined the massive change that has shaken the modern world. The corporate raiders are all hanging on by a fiat thread and the proud globalist are walking back both policy and project. The discoveries, innovations and advances of the modern age propelled the world into an entirely new age of formation.
What looks like flux, is actually a world in reorganization. A world that is organizing around its own best interests. A interest that does not always align with the current world order. In the past, it was easier to convince some actors that certain initiatives were to their benefit, even if it were not. There was less information and connectivity. But the world has grown smaller and humanity itself has grown more sophisticated.
What would have seemed like isolated events can be correlated to larger shifts in human awareness. Maori protests against a controversial new bill in New Zealand are quickly calculated against Kanaky Independence unrests in New Caledonia, protests in Martinique, change in tge Sahel and upheavals in the Middle East and North Africa.
The world is ready for alternatives. And this readiness is a direct result of the failures of capitalism, democracy, economic theory and the rules based order. It does not take long to quickly ascertain that these system are in free fall. In the past, mainstreme media has been helpful in deflecting attention from these failures. However today, those attempts become embarrassing performances for which no one is actually convinced or interested.
Case and point, after the Democratic loss, there has been a desperate attempt to explain or assign blame. Note that Black men eho make up less than 7 percent of the popular electorate and the Arab/Muslim that make up even less and yet there discourse. Intellectually dishonest discourse about the role of the electoral college, the voting patterns of America's majority population and the political decisions being made by those actually in charge. Perhaps the real failure was running an octogenarian with an allegedly advanced case of dementia as a candidate. And believing the mainstream media could explain away what the general public could quite evidently see.
It is glaring mistakes like these that suggest the stratagem of the old order is not only unravelling, but failing. Good common sense should have informed someone within the inner circle of this quite obvious mistep. But this debacle suggests inner systems within the power structure, work in silos where ideas and plans cannot be challenged without retribution. This teaches leadership analyst that many old order systems now function within echo chambers. This means dissent and differentiation within the ranks are shutdown. Internal censorship is plaguing old order systems causing high inefficiency and miscalculation.
Nations are not seeking alternatives to be contrary, but because the current systems are failing. The mismanagement of power and resource has reached a critical level that has forced states to act. General Motors recently announced it would layoff 1000 staff in the latest round of US job cuts, Detroit Local 4 News reports. At 35 trillion in debt, the US is quite obviously broke and in need of alternatives itself.
This is not a system that other nations seek to emulate anymore, especially at the cost of their livelihood. Even Moody's has downgraded US debt from stable to negative, Bloomberg reports. It is a damning indictment of the current administration, but to be fair a red flag reminder that these systems are dysfunctional and breaking down daily. And the evidence is everywhere. Al Jazeera reports France's Michelin automotive company is preparing for mass layoffs and plant closures as well. It is not an idolated region or industry that is in flux and failure, but many from old order architects. The corporate raider is failing.
And it may seem unthinkable that such sophisticated aparatus could fail. But in reality, much of the systems were unsustainable and poorly run at the expense of other actors and populations. Capitalism, unlike merchantilsm/barter, relies on inequity to function. Zero-sum is also a failure wautung to happen. And all things without adequate balance, fail--it is simply a matter of time. And it is not only the corporate infrastructure that is crumbling.
The once revered Post World War II intelligence agencies have fallen into corruption and anarchy. From political factions, rampant (internal and external) sexual violence, breaches of privacy, overreach and illegal evidence collection these agencies reflect a deep inner state of chaos. The daughter of slain civil rights leader Malcom X has levied an enormous $100 million lawsuit against the CIA, FBI snd New York Police Department, AP News reports. It comes on the heels of a CIA sexual misconduct case by a former agent. All amid corruption and abuse scandals across almost every agency.
The systemic issues are broad and widespread. New US court documents revealled the President of Nigeria to be an active CIA asset, Wion News reports. A point indicating a system out of control in its overreach and jurisdiction in a possible egregious violation of international law. It is horrific to imagine that your leader is an employee of the US government. Such revellations may implicate more leaders and reveal the reason that so many developing nations remain poor and geopolitically impotent. The systems have become repugnant, not only to the world but its internal operators.
But it is obvious that the Post World War II system for which world has subscribed is breaking down even as new banking rules have been formulated under old order architects as a stop hap measure, Bloomberg News reports. The Basel banking rules are set to be adopted by banks worldwide in a ladt ditch Western effort to preserve its banking system, although many are worried adoption will cause them to be less competitive with states that do not ratify the Basel Banking rules. It is feared that capital will likely flow to systems outside of such controls.
The system breakdown is not merely ideological but actual. It can be observed in real-time by absolutely everyone. And for this reasons alternatives will be sought, found and implemented. Currently, Beijing is working quickly to remove old order system structures that weaken or drag down its economy and systems. Caixin Daily reports that Anslysts at Nomura Orient International Securities that Sino-policy makers could learn from the misteps Japan made in its Western trade and investment relations. A point this publication made in its early reviews of the Japanese-US trade war and subsequent Plaza Accords in 2023.
China will need to act strategically and decisively to save its economy from the Western Bubble and investment gambit. This gambit has been leveraged against Asia successfully to keep the old order capitalism intact. From the Plaza Accords to the Southeast Asian Bubble to the massive property bubble old order actors have been able to decimate far east economies through specious accounting and investment that sacks productivity and growth. The question remains whether that dubious stratagem will work today? Will Asian governments and societies be tricked into bubble economies and lame duck treaties that drag down its productionand growth again?
Regardless, many states have begun to see the patterns and ultimately, the failures and have begun to seek alternatives. Quite frankly, it has become apparent that these current systems, policies and institutions do not yield substantuive results. Even organizations of humanitarian, intellectual and journalistic of merit have overlooked the massive contributions of those outside of the rules based order. Over twelve months into the Gaza genocide, with nearly 45,000 dead, the UN has yet to produce a result that saved lives in the Levant. It is not a system that works for Palestinians.
Additionally, a US-led Multinational Security Support Mission (MSS) on a UN sanctioned mission in Haiti, manned with Kenyan police, have been largely ineffective. Just recently both the US and UN have suspended flights into Haiti after armed gangs shot commercial aircraft, the The Nation News reports. Now both the US and Kenya are urging the UN to deploy a peacekeeping force, in order to withdraw the US-funded MSS. Kenyan police have struggled with payment and personal needs as UN monies are paid on a reimbursement basis which often takes weeks to verify and clear for dispersal, Kenya Times reports. The newly appointed Haitian president eas also just sacked, RFI reports. The US plan didn't work.
From logistics and cross-border trade to monetary systems and governance models the world requires alternatives. Failure is not a long term plan the world is ready to embrace. Old order framers have been negilgent to repair systems that could work and exclusive in application of systems that do. The limitations of the Basel Banking Rules offer a case and point. This leaves the world to find alternative systems and methods for trade, society, growth, monetary policy and innovation that do work.
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