Guest2024/06/01 07:28

Premenstrual Syndrome

A combination of physical and psychological symptoms that start during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and end after menstruation is known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Depression, anxiety, irritability, oedema, social isolation, stomach pains, changes in appetite, and difficulty sleeping are some of the symptoms associated with PMS(1). These are cyclical symptoms that go away a few days after the menstrual cycle. Women who are of reproductive age may experience adverse effects from premenstrual syndrome on their regular activities.

Individual differences in symptoms mean that many women have minimal or no symptoms during their menstrual cycle(2).


Diagnostic Criteria 0f PMS

Due to the subjectivity of many symptoms, the reliance on self-reports, the influence of psychological factors, and the lack of particular tests that can definitively diagnose PMS, there is no agreement on the diagnostic criteria. Therefore, it has been recommended that the diagnostic criteria be based on the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists(3).


Symptoms of PMS

Breast enlargement and sensitivity, oedema, weight gain, headaches, and weariness are a few of the physical symptoms. Mood swings might also include worry, impatience, emotional instability, and changes in sleep and appetite(4). Up to three emotional or physical symptoms, which some women may not even recognise as PMS, are indicative of mild PMS. Intense mood swings and psychological dominance are linked to more severe symptoms in the most severe form of PMS, which can either amplify or lessen pre-existing symptoms(5).


Etiology of PMS

PMS has a complex aetiology that may be impacted by social, hormonal, genetic, and environmental variables(6). Other menstrual cycle-related variables, such as menarche age, menstrual flow, and other disruptions in menstruation, may also play a role in the development of PMS(7). In addition to this, PMS can negatively impact social and physical activities, as well as interfere with interpersonal interactions and work productivity, all of which can lower quality of life(8).


Quality of Life

The term "quality of life" (QOL) refers to an individual's subjective perception of how their life is going in relation to culture and values, or to the idea that their life is completely improving(1). A method that is becoming more and more accepted for assessing the functional impact of a condition is health related QOL(1). In addition to an individual's objectives, standards, expectations, and worries, quality of life also encompasses how that person views their place in life within the cultural and social values of their environment. Happiness, contentment with oneself, living circumstances, and way of life can all be considered synonyms for quality of life(9). About 3 to 8% of women who are of reproductive age will have an intense mood swing, which can interfere with their lifestyle and be severe enough to lower their self-esteem and have an impact on their attendance at work and school(10).


Poor Quality Sleep

Premenstrual week is when women between the ages of 18 and 50 most frequently report having trouble sleeping, including increased sleep latency, nighttime awakenings, and poor-quality sleep(11). The length and quality of sleep vary significantly across a woman's life cycle, depending on both internal and external influences, including PMS(12). The relationship between PMS and poor sleep quality may be explained similarly to a psychomotor disorder; these women have low melatonin levels, which disrupt sleep-wake cycles and enhance slow wave sleep or hormone fluctuations during the menstrual cycle(13).



This study aims to identify the frequency of sleep disturbance and quality of life among women who are suffering from premenstrual syndrome as little study has been done to particularly explore how these sleep problems add to the overall burden of PMS, despite the high frequency of PMS and frequent reports of related sleep difficulties. Comprehending this correlation is imperative in order to devise focused measures that can elevate the calibre of sleep and, in turn, augment the standard of living for impacted females. This research at the University of Lahore will shed light on Pakistani women's experiences, helping to shape healthcare strategies and policies that are appropriate for their cultural context.