It was on a day when me and my brother Kim had gone hiking around a nearby forest.On that very same day a solar eclipse was supposed to take place,so we brought along our eclipse glasses.
The journey was long and we were eagerly waiting for the eclipse since it was a once in a lifetime opportunity.After a few hours of walking,we suddenly felt a slight change in the atmosphere and we bot knew what it was.
We both reached for our eclipse glasses and got ready for the big moment.When the moon fully covered the sun,there was an array of colors and it was all beautiful.It was a scene worth of enjoyment.
Just then we saw something which looked like a bird or something of the sort.But when we looked closer,it looked like a FIRE PHOENIX.We were amazed because these beasts were well known to be extinct.
It flew with pride and shone like a star.Its feathers burned bright but no smoke was emitted.Indeed it was a dream come true.