Are you anxious for this coming opening? Does it make your hands shaky and your feet tremble? Don't worry; here are some tips for you. Starting a new life is not easy; there will be numerous adjustments, from the atmosphere to the people around you. It is starting a new life with unfamiliarity. When they say college, people may think of words such as stress, failure, and complexity, but they are wrong. College life is fun!
People are not the same.
In college, there will be new people around you who will someday become your friends, best friends, and enemies. There will be people whose behaviors are different, and there will be people you will dislike, maybe because you do not have the same perspective. In the first two weeks, there will be various activities, like welcoming the freshmen, parades, games, and contests; everything will be colorful. However, when reaching two to three months of studying, different attitudes will show up. There will be those people who are competitive—in other words, your classmates—who seek only the betterment of themselves, and that is inevitable in college. According to MyEdu (2019), competition leads to excellence, motivation, and competence, which is in reality a fact. Competing is not wrong as long as it is healthy and doesn't ruin someone's performance.
Enjoy your journey
As a freshman, do not yet pressure and stress yourself too much; enjoy every moment; and familiarize yourself with new things. Explore more, and try everything that comforts you. Adjust yourself by simply observing everything, like your classmates' behaviors and even your professors. Participate in every activity because in college everything is being celebrated, like Valentine's Day, Christmas, and intramurals. All of these should be experienced during your first year because the feeling is different. You will never forget it, I swear. Participating in various activities will give you the opportunity to meet people, and they will soon help you as you move forward. Taking the time to get into campus life is a great way to find mentors and understand what your future in college can look like (Garzon, 2023).
Never doubt yourself.
Always remember that college is now the final stage of studying; there will be no more chance to show your best at school. Never hesitate to recite and trust yourself. Don't bring that thought, "I'm shy," because you will get nothing except regret. If they ask you to join some organization and you have the potential to participate, try it; at the end of the day, there will be recognition for your hardships.
Time management
This is the main reason why students see college as stressful. Although it is really stressful due to a bunch of activities, if you know how to use your time wisely, your feeling of stress will decrease. There will be hangouts with friends after class, so only make yourself available if you have much time. Making a to-do list is very important for you to see the activities that need to be done. This also gives you the thought, "I want to check some of it," and the feeling of checking completed activities is satisfying.
You're not alone.
There will be instances where you feel uncertain about your academic performance, and whenever you experience failure, go out and breathe or call your friends. Having emotional support can help create a protective buffer against stress (Scott, 2023). It's normal; college is not about achieving the highest score; it's about surviving and later improving. If you fail, then challenge yourself to be better. There will always be room for improvement.
Do better.
Bringing your inappropriate behaviors into college will not work and will not lead you to betterment. Procrastination is a no-no; always complete your activities on time because there will be some professors who are very strict when it comes to deadlines. The worst is that they will reject your paper unless you have a valid reason. Always prioritize your schoolwork before doing something, review thoroughly, and focus. During discussions, bring out your notebook and your pen because there are instances where the exact topics are not in the PowerPoints and the words of your teachers will appear on the exam paper.
This upcoming opening of classes, do not be nervous because it will offer you the best experiences. It is the highlight of your student's life. Don't miss every opportunity, because life doesn't rewind. I anticipate that these tips have helped you to suit yourself for this upcoming academic year. You can do it; all the best.
Garzon M. (2023). Tips for College Freshmen: Dos and Dont’s of Your First Year. Cairn University.
Scott E. (2023). Top 10 Stress Management Techniques for Students. VeryWellMind. https://www.verywellmind.com/top-school-stress-relievers-for-students-314517
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