The Earth was created by God for humans and animals to inhabit. Man was also put in charge of taking care of the animals and the land. Everything was good until man fell.
In Today's world, Man is the number one factor or should I say cause of the Earth's destruction and extinctions or possible extinction of some species.
Technology came with it's benefits but also at the cost of nature. It gave us a better and faster way of getting things done but in exchange for our environment. It pollutes our land,water and even air.
The Earth is dying slowly due to the activities of man such as the cutting down of trees thereby reducing the rate at which carbon dioxide is converted, leading to wild fires, destruction of arboreal hahitats, releasing of industrial waste into water bodies thereby rendering it inhabitable to all aquatic species and posionous to man, releasing of industrial smoke into the atmosphere thereby leading to global warming and destruction of the atmosphere.
Global warming has become an issue to humans all over the world. The artic is melting due to the continuous over heating of the earth caused by the damage in the ozone layer leading to an increase in ultra-violet rays now reaching the earth. Survival would become harder for the animals inhabiting the artic such as the artic fox,polar bear, walrus, artic hare etc. Since the artic is melting,ice would become thiner and break off making it hard for them to hunt,train their young ones and thrive.Ninety five percent of the oldest and thickest artic ice has already melted. Scientists projects that if the emissions continue to remain unchecked,there would be no ice left in the artic by the year 2040.
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