Impossible mixtures

Chapter 1 - ~Klaus~

Allyxandria2021/02/04 18:43

Okay welcome to the story anxious so if you like it vote it thanks

PS:tell me when you cringe its also allowed lol.

-playlist here-

56 vain street Hawkins Indiana.

"Would you stop pacing for crying out loud you're going to make me nervous like you" Kat said lazily brushing her fake light tanned skinned fingers through her black hair.

Said twin brother was pacing from left to right in front of his laptop waiting for the long awaited email from his various college applications

"You can say that happily at least your college email came in a week ago and you were accepted"he said running his pale hands above his darker shade of black hair

"You were accepted too into various colleges but you declined them you clown brain"she barked at him and he rolled his eyes while pressing his back dramatically on his rolling chair and groaning loudly

"Yeah okay places I don't want to go I even got one in Africa,no offence but I hear that place is hot as in very hot how will I cope with this amazing pale skin I have achieved in Africa"he said and kat gave him a dirty look

"Oh please you got lucky at least you would get a real tan"she said raising her hands at him

"Give me Yale or give me death"he said and kat rolled her eyes identical to the one he just did

"Isn't that what you said about Harvard four hours ago"she said and he stuck his tongue at her

Then a notification sound bursted through the laptop and he all but flew to open the email

'Dear Mr Klaus Morgan

After carefully and completely reviewing your application and we are happy to inform you that your application to velmert university has been accepted and you are-'

Klaus fell on the bed frustrated groaning louder than before

"Hit decline for me"he yelled into the pillow frustrated 

"Let me see"Kat said and read the email again

"Its not that bad,its at wood way close to forks high i think I know that place"kat added and Klaus groaned in his pillow

"I don't care if its close to cutleries high or opposite table for two ville I want Yale"he groaned and then another mail came through.

Klaus ran and threw Kat out of the chair and opened it

"Oh yeah am fine thanks for asking after throwing me out of a chair"she yelled at him but he tuned her out

'Dear Mr Klaus Morgan

After careful review of your early action application the admissions committee regrets to inform you that we are unable to give you a place at Yale university 

"Noooooooo!!!!!!"Klaus groaned as he read the painful part

"At least you got velmet"Kat said patting his back

"I had so much hope in Yale I read,I had almost perfect attendance, I have a good GPA why?!"he said to himself rather than to Kat

"Stuff happens now suck it up"she said as he sat there looking at screen of the computer for maybe answers

A knock then the door opened 

"Er I feel like this ruckus has lasted long enough you know you still have to go to your school for whatever you had to collect or whatever your principal called it"Alexa Morgan, Kat and Klaus's mom said looking at them with her chestnut eyes and brown hair flying every which way

"Ughh we already graduated, did high school prom I don't wanna go baaack"kat whined

"And yet your a big baby going to college"Alexa joked and shifted her gaze to a Klaus still in a rejection trance

"Er earth to Klaus"she said and snapped her fingers at Klaus's faces

"Huh?"he looked at her disorientated


"Ughhhhhh,can't I wallow in my rejection in peace, alone with maybe a little alcohol"he whined louder than Kat

"Ughh get your asses out of here I still have Brittany and Bellamy to take care of because God knows why he gave me twins...twice"Alexa said impatiently

"Ha! twins...twice cracks me up all the time-"kat faltered when she saw the look on  her mom's  face

"times like this are precious when you spend them  more with your mother"Kat corrected immediately and her mom gave them a forceful smile

"Nice save"Klaus whispered

"Kat?Klaus?"she said still in the smile

"Yh?"they asked a little scared in unison

"Get out"she said and they high tailed out of Klaus's room

"Hey guys"Bryan said walking towards the Morgan's that were getting out of their shared car

"Wow you came as well,did principal doom make your parents throw you out of the house too"Klaus asked Bryan as they halted when they reached each other

"Wow what happened to you?wake up at the wrong side of the bed"Bryan joined and Klaus looked at the vast numbers of people he knew and probably didn't know walk in with them

"Actually its principal Odum"kat corrected and Bryan shook his head

"Oh we know but no one actually cares to say the real name"Bryan said and glanced back at Klaus in another spaced moment

"What crawled out of his butt"Bryan asked and kat rolled her eyes bringing out her phone

"Well rejection letters from Yale and Harvard and pretty much every other university he wanted but he got accepted to velmet some place in wood way"kat said and Bryan smiled sadly at Klaus 

"Ouch,well at least Vicky got accepted to Yale"Bryan said smirking and waiting for the reaction

Klaus snapped his neck at him as they were almost at the auditorium

"Vicky?!that earth obsessor?! she would turn Yale's blue to green"he's said and kat covered his mouth as he was almost yelling

A few people stared at them

"Woah woah get it together man are you even breathing"Brian said putting his hand on Klaus's chest

"Stop that"he said and threw Bryan's hand off while gently brushing kat off

"Well at least you got velmet"kat added with a mocking tone

"Oh look my banner for Canada"kat said and skipped to collect whatever they said they'll be collecting

"Okay there's my own banner Iceland here I come"Bryan said patting Klaus's shoulder and walking away

Klaus glanced over at other schools and he glared at both Harvard's and Yale's banners

Why didn't he get accepted and Vicky did

He mentally rolled his eyes and then finally his attention landed on the velmet banner

People weren't huddled around it like he'd expected in fact he was the only one approaching it.

The pale skinned looking woman that sat there tiredly stood up not even showing any form of enthusiasm but he envied the way her skin was shinning he was a sucker for pale skin  and apparently her handwriting

"Welcome and congratulations on being accepted to velmet here's a pamphlet and a students manual"she said dryly

"Er thanks?"Klaus said and watched as she  began to pack up

"Oh done already?"Klaus asked curiously

"Yes"she said quickly and that was it he turned and headed back to the parking lot where he found Kat and Bryan

"Hey Klaus I got a shirt saying I love Canada and some stickers wanna trade this stickers for a velmet shirt maybe"Kat said immediately he reached her

"Yeah you want a students manual for the stickers"he asked bored and Kat glanced at his hands shocked

"Woah that's all you got?...cold!,well you shouldn't have declined Idaho's email they were sharing cupcakes, cupcakes!"kat said and Klaus glared at her visibly mock him as he angrily shoved the stuff into the car

"I got a cap not for the snow but for the occasional sun in ICE-LAND seriously?"Bryan sulked looking at his cap

Klaus scoffed

"If you wanted it cold u should have tried Greenland even I know that"Klaus said and Bryan looked up at him shocked

"Greenland? Well geez Louis who named these countries"he groaned and kat snickered

"I got to go home guys before I faint"he said and they waved their good byes and went to their respective cars and drove home.

"Oh look klausy your college is a private one so you don't have to live out"Alexa said as the family looked at their pamphlets and everything was being prepared for their college travel

"That means I get to keep the car yes!"kat said jubilating

"Hey hey hey hold up it doesn't mean that"Klaus said looking at the pamphlet

"Yes it does, it also said you'd be wearing uniform too yuck!"Kat said snatching the pamphlet from Klaus

"Now now you guys need to chill"Alfred their dad said

He looked a lot like Kat and Klaus but he was older and they had ears and nose like their mother.

"Well dad tell him he won't need a car if he's living in the school"kat whined

"Well yes you can keep the car"he started and Klaus turned immediately towards him

"You can't blame me here Klaus this school is very impressive you can stay in there,they give free food and you don't have to leave until holidays or Summer its a very nice place"he cooed and Klaus glared at him

"Take deep breaths Klaus"his mom said as she noticed he was all tensed up

Klaus was known for his heart problem since he was a baby.

It wasn't really a serious heart problem but when he was born, the doctors found out Kat nearly absorbed him from birth but he was a fighter and came out before she did eat him up

He had this odd heart  problem that makes his heart stop beating for some seconds and it would make him dizzy, tired or unconscious.

After more talk about how Kat would have to get a job and an apartment and bla bla that bored Klaus he finally gave in and they went shopping, made lists, bought necessities and the Morgan twins were finally ready for college

"Klausy can I have a word with you?"Alex said pulling him into his room the night before they had to travel.

"Is it about you calling me Klausy?because that ship will never sail"he said and Alex rolled her eyes

"Klaus you know I love you right?"she started while seating down with Klaus eyeing her suspiciously


"And you don't want me to over think and lose my mind"


"So please Klaus if you have even the slightest heart episode call me, call your dad, visit a sick bay don't ignore it-"

"Mom! I'll be fine am going to college not high school and I can take care of myself, its not like either you or dad can drive all the way from Hawkins to wood way in 30 minutes because I had an episode"Klaus said and Alex face palmed

"Klaus I'll go anywhere if my baby is in trouble"she said and he sat up alarmed a bit by her words

"Please please pleaseeee Klaus don't do anything that'll cause you an episode if you get bullied report it, please Klaus promise me"she said sniffing and he smiled at her

"Sure mom I will"

"Live for me"Alex said holding his face and almost crying

"Till the very end"Klaus said holding his moms shoulders

"I love you Klaus"

"I love you mom"

Alex smiled wiping her face and kissed him good night.

Klaus slumped on his bed thinking about how much he really would miss this house and everyone

Then he drifted to sleep


PS:velmet isn't an actual place in wood way just getting the message across lol
