.2023/10/23 13:30

            Hi Everyone! This is Apia Jane D. Ortega and today we're going to talk about Cebu's Famous Lechon.
Lechon has always been everyone's favorite. Lechon can be seen in any occasion like birthday party, at a wedding event, wedding anniversary or an event for congratulating someone on their big academic accomplishment. As some only care about the taste of this roasted pig, many people don't know where the Lechon came from. Lechon was adapted from the Spanish invaders who colonized the Philippines for over 300 years. Leche means "milk" referencing the suckling swine that was roasted on a spit. Lechon is also said to come from the spanish word "Lechona" which means "suckling pig". The first version of this dish is what people locally call Lechon De Leche. It is also believed that the first lechoneros of Cebu were from where I lived, in Talisay City. Lechon is not only a popular food in the Philippines. Lechon can be seen or known as a popular food in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and many other countries. Lechon is so famous surely because it is tasty and everyone who tried it the first time would really like to taste it again and again. So, I hope whenever you visit the Philippines, make sure to taste our delicious and tasty Lechon. Thank you!