Our perception of the world

Riri2023/09/17 08:13

Our perception of the world

Oxford dictionary defines perception as the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something

through senses.

People perception is influenced by cultural background, past experiences and level of education.

How cultural background shapes perception?

If you belong to Zulu culture you are likely to think that someone wearing an animal skin bracelet just hosted a traditional ceremony. Or you are likely to attribute misfortune to bad luck that requires cleansing while people from all backgrounds become unlucky sometimes.

In the contemporary world people work to make a living. That does not end there. The kind of a job

you do have an influence what you make of the world. Workplace culture influence for instance

police officers are prone to have roving eyes looking for criminal activities.

How past experiences shapes perception?

You can show a mysterious photo to a rape victim is likely to perceive the pictured person as rapist or hooligan if previously experienced this heinous crime from unknown individual. No wonder why the label ‘men are dogs’ fit snuggly toward males because every girl have been enamoured some point and heartbroken along the way. As the adage we all kiss frog for the first time.

An exception is to the naïve who you cannot tell if they are lucky or not. Poor little tinkers with doe eyed and susceptible. Inquisitive and experiencing the world in sparkles. Unbeknownst what the world hold for them. As they grow older are bound to perceive the world as well. On the other hand there are children whom fortune disfavoured endured horrendous abuses such as sexual abuse or molestation. It leaves to one to wonder how they perceive our world based on their experience.

How the level of education shapes perception?

Our world is divided two ways educated and uneducated group. Contentions may arise from saying

level of education influences perception. Unfortunately this is true. Uneducated may be offended

and say being uneducated doesn’t necessary means ‘I am dumb'. One cannot argue this. However

lack of education can make one to be uncultured when it comes to literary art for example. An uneducated person cannot fully enjoy a poem like sonnet for instance. To enjoy this art form one has to differentiate between English and Italian sonnet. Moreover background knowledge of

rhyming schemes might come in handy to appreciate it don’t you think?

Sources consulted




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