15 Vegetable Native to the Philippines
Chapter 2 - 2. Winged Beans – Sigarilyas
Winged beans are long, bright green, square in shape, and have four feathered, winged embellishments that run from base to tip like an arrow’s tail. The smooth, waxy surface of the pods is either straight or curved.
Although they can reach a length of 12 inches, they are often harvested between five and eight inches, first before peas have finished growing. Like many pea varietals, winged beans have a sweet flavor and a crisp, asparagus-like texture.
This veggie native to the Philippines is a great source of tryptophan, isoleucine, manganese, copper, iron, and manganese. They are also abundant in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and potassium.
Winged beans provide protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, and all of the necessary B-complex vitamins when consumed. Similar nutritional compositions can be found in the roots, pods, and leaves.