Saved By Nails: After I met Christ, my transformation was sudden - Dorcas
Saved By Nails: After I met Christ, my transformation was sudden - Dorcas
I gave my life to Christ many times. I can't really recall each occasion, but if there's something it taught me, it's that being born into a Christian home doesn't attain to being born again or finding God. You have to do that yourself. It's something personal.
The first time I gave my life to Christ was not really special to me. At this time, I was about age 13 and I cannot really remember what happened but I just knew that I walked out to the altar and that was it. I did it once more as a teenager after hearing something from the pastor. I still can't remember what exactly happened.
Another opportunity came again after I gained admission and had resumed at the University. This time it wasn't really about confessing Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, it was about letting Him reign. I had given my life to Him and for the umpteenth time, I heard something I've always heard,
Saved By Nails: After I met Christ, my transformation was sudden - Dorcas
byNew Man -September 07, 2023 0
I gave my life to Christ many times. I can't really recall each occasion, but if there's something it taught me, it's that being born into a Christian home doesn't attain to being born again or finding God. You have to do that yourself. It's something personal.
The first time I gave my life to Christ was not really special to me. At this time, I was about age 13 and I cannot really remember what happened but I just knew that I walked out to the altar and that was it. I did it once more as a teenager after hearing something from the pastor. I still can't remember what exactly happened.
Another opportunity came again after I gained admission and had resumed at the University. This time it wasn't really about confessing Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, it was about letting Him reign. I had given my life to Him and for the umpteenth time, I heard something I've always heard, this time, in a different way.
I heard how He doesn't just want to be a Lord and a Saviour, but He also wants to be a friend. He wants to wine and dine with me. I was a saucy and bitter hearted person as a result of what I had gone through prior to that time. But this time, I felt that vacuum, I felt empty. Then I rededicated my life once again, and that was it.
In the space of months, people had begun telling me I had changed. They pointed out to me the faults they saw and how that they're shocked at how I had quickly transformed into a new person. Also prior to that time, my mum has been trying to get me baptized in the spirit. It just wasn't working. One day, she woke me up at midnight and prayed for me and I spoke with few syllables but it later dropped.
But the particular encounter I had in school changed something, at about the first or second touch, I got baptized in the spirit and I was slain under the power of God. I can still remember it like it was an hour ago. It was like the Holy Spirit came to sift out the sauciness and cold heartedness in me and made me His abode.
Even when I'm badly spoken to, I just reply with a smile or I walk away. I don't give a reply, which was unusual of me. Well as I heard and experienced, “You cannot know/have Jesus and be normal". Your new normal is an abnormal to the world. My heart was what needed change and Jesus did it. And that peace they talk about when you confess Jesus as Lord and Saviour, that peace that passes all understanding, it flooded my heart.
I had some tests, in my room then, twas difficult staying and living with others, most times, I got pissed, insulted and even embarrassed. But by the help of the Holy Spirit, there was always a way out. I was able to forgive even without the offender asking. It got so good that if I am offended, without telling the person, I just discover I have forgiven them. I locked a lot of people in my heart, but Jesus unlocked them and set me free. Because really, it's not those guys that are locked in, it's me, because I was always bitter and angry.
If there is a decision I am most proud of today, it is choosing Jesus. I never saw a vision of Jesus in a white garment nor a big wide hand touch my head, but I felt him like He's real because He is. Yes there'll be trials, temptations to test your faith, but Jesus will always be there to help you out!
Do you Know Jesus? Do you want to rededicate your life to God? Do you want to experience peace in your life? You too can begin a NEW LIFE with JESUS CHRIST Today. We invite you to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life by praying this prayer;
“O Lord God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ.
I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ, Son of the living God. I believe He died for me and God raised Him from the dead. I believe He’s alive today. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from this day. Through Him and in His Name, I have eternal life; I’m born again. Thank you Lord, for saving my soul! I’m now a child of God. Halleluiah!”
Congratulations! You are now a child of God.
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