DEVORCE (The Cold Pain)
The word divorce is the brutal unrevalling of the vows if once spoken in deep love is now tornasunder by the cueel forced of irreconcilable differences. It’s the legal battle field where that was once a sacred uion, becames a battle ground for the division of assets, emotions, custody disputed and the rithless termination of a once shared and planned future. Devorece isa bitter end of a lover story, marked by resentment, anger and the rearing apart of lived once thery were entwined.
Devorce can have a significant and coplex impact of family specially wives and their children, which might be both emotionaly and in various aspects of their lives. Its important to note that the effects of divorce can vary greatly from one person to another and depends on several factors including the circuimstances of devorce, the level of emotional spport, and the coping mechanicsim eployed. Today we will discuss some common and vital effect of devorce on wives.
Devorce can be smotionaly devasting for many reasons. Feeling of sadness angner confsion and grief are common. Sometime it leads to a continiouse temperature feel like fever and a continouse exhaustion. They also might feel a sense of failure, rejection and inferiority complex. Childrens are broken apart emotionaly.
Wives mostly facea financial challenge after the devorce even they have a good job, still a back bone support broke up. And if ther aaaare dependent upon ther partner, then t leads to the worse. Even parnents deny to support them. And in result they need to adopt the lowest abailable standard of living, some to survival level only..
The socal circle is chaned. Friends and family members take an aside. Not answering the call and message and the support network is lossed. Most of the time your friend are strickly advised from their familied to cut off with you.
Offcourse the [hysical health is effected. The stress of divorce can impact physical health. Insomnia, Exreme Headach, most of the time fever/ Temperature, abnormal loss or gain of body weight, and other health issues related to Brain, Heart and kidneys that may leads to the worse condidtion of health.
After the divorce, a new project is handed over to the divorcee to rise again after a fall and to find new opportunity for self-discovery and personal/independent growth. Sometimes when the husband is very much guilty, divorce for some women can be an opportunity to find happiness in the form of success and ew life partner, means a positive change. But But But….. chances are very less.
A long-term effect of divorce can extend beyond. women may carry emotional scars and trust issues into future relationships, making it more challenging to make new bonds.
Most of the time some unforgiven wounds of emotion stays for life. And when ever the images pass through mind, the person takes deep breath to absorb the emotional quake.
Childrens are scathered, emotionally pgysical and mentally damamged. They even cant decide to go left of right. There goal are destroyed. And some may leads to served Bars, Clubs, and other bad locations.
It's crucial to remember that the impact of divorce is not solely negative. Many women find ways to cope, heal, and eventually thrive after divorce, often with the support of therapy, a strong social network, and personal resilience. The effects of divorce on a wife can be a complex mix of challenges and opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Seeking professional help and support from friends and family can be essential in navigating this difficult life transition.
But it never mean to promoted devorce, If the husband is earning means, He need to be a man to love serve and protect. Then wife need to kick the ego and bow down her head for negligible issue from the husband. To have a success life with her husband children and society.
Article writer.
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