Passion involves doing what you love. Doing what you love is one of the great secrets of becoming successful. It is one of the right attitudes for success. Your responsibility in life is to find out what you really love doing, what you have a natural talent for, and then to throw your whole heart into doing that particular thing excellently.
Successful people are those who have found a field where their natural strengths and abilities are exactly what natural good at it. You must love what you do. We all have something that we can pour our hearts into. Passion plays a vital role in determining our success in life. It is impossible to succeed in doing what you don't love.
Doing what you love gives your life a meaning. Life becomes inspiring and worth living. Passion comes from within. Passion sustains your drive. Persistence is built on passion. A life without passion is empty and void. Successful people insert passion into everything they do.
Most successful people had only their passion, they loved what they were doing even when nobody sees any value in what they are doing. A man with passion can perform better than a man with talent. Passion is the shock absorber that sustains your life. Passion keeps your hope alive and motivation to succeed. That things that you can't do without. That activity that excites you. That activity that captures your time and attention. That activity that can take all your time, energy and effort. Is a pointer in discovering your passion.
Your passion is your life. Where there is no passion life becomes a series of struggle. Whatever you do and struggle in it lacks passion.
Whatever lacks passion dies. Many people are living but their passion has died in them. Whenever you someone looking depressed, discouraged and defeated, such a person has lost his passion. Without passion we have no reason to live, because passion keeps us alive. Passion is the inner drive that keeps us going through the hurdles of life.
You must find something that you love doing. You will put in your best. You will invest your time and energy in it. You will be totally absorbed in it. That activity will hold your
attention and natural allow you to express your talent and creativity.
The secret of success is to discover that thing that you love doing and dedicate your life to it. The more you are passionate about it, the more you will be determined to learn more and invest your resources into it. When you are doing what you love to do, you seem to have a continuous flow of excitement, energy and ideas to do what you do even better. Let me share an inspiring story with you that appreciates the power of passion.
At age 17, she was rejected from college.
At age 25, her mother died from disease.
At age 26, she suffered a miscarriage.
At age 27, she got married. Her husband abused her. Despite this, her daughter was born.
At age 28, she got divorced and was diagnosed with severe depression.
At age 29, she was a single mother living on welfare.
At age 30, she didn't want to be on this earth.
But, she directed all her passion into doing the one thing she could do better than anyone else.
And that was writing.
At age 31, she finally published her first book.
At age 35, she had released 4 books, and was named Author of the Year.
At age 42, she sold 11 million copies of her new book, on the first day of release.
This woman is J.K. Rowling. Remember how she considered suicide at age 30?
Today, Harry Potter is a global brand worth more than $15 billion dollars.
Never give up. Believe in yourself. Be passionate. Work hard. It’s never too late. We will only be remembered for our passion. The things we love doing when we were passionate about while living. When people give up on their dreams and allow life to dictate their direction. They really gave up on their passion. Passion is the fuel of persistence. There cannot be persistence without passion.
If you are worried about how to earn a living. It is because you are yet to find your passion and create a business out of it. Multi million business ideas were created from passion. Your wealth, happiness and fulfilment is wrapped in your passion. Your job is to unwrap it. People are willing to pay you for your passion. That thing that you love doing is a money making machine. People are ready to give you money by doing what you love. Doing what you love attracts money to you like a magnetic force.
Musicians, actors, athletes and authors made their fortunes from doing what they love. They find happiness, fulfilment and prosperity in their passion.
What often stops people from expressing their true potential is that they think they can't make a living doing what they love. It is not true. Oprah Winfrey loves talking and makes a living talking with people. Tiger Woods loves to play golf. He makes a living playing golf. Ellen DeGeneres loves to make people laugh. I love to read and share what I have learned with others in books, speeches and workshops. It's possible to make a living doing what you love.
This is an exercise for you. Make a list of 20 things you love to do, and then think of ways you can make a living doing some of those things. If you love writing you could be an author, professor, columnists. If you love talking you can become a presenter, teacher, commentator, if you love music, you can be an artist, music producer, DJ. You can decide what you want to do with your life. Once you love something keep doing it, learning it and improving it. At the right time it will bear fruits.
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