Shukdeb Mazumder
I am embarrassed to admit that
at mid night I become a lunatic
looking at the lunar sky.
How the celestial silvery rays do fly
towards my eyes
towards my mind
towards my soul miraculously!
Obviously within that
if fireflies fly,
night-blooming flowers bloom
a stream flows
with the sweet murmuring sound
and moon-reflected ripples,
a modest cool breeze blows
and with all of those
night is dressed
in awesome-nice nocturnal views
'lunatic' might be the term to be used
to state my mental state.
The night is never fulfilled
with nocturnals
if the finest of all- the coming of a nymph
does not happen with those-
does not happen to me like a dream.
The nymph is you!
© Dr. Shukdeb Chandra Mazumder
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