Essence of Eating Good Food for Longer Living

Chapter 2 - Examples of Bad Food

Flurry Pickles2023/07/13 13:25

Examples of Bad Food

Bad food is food that is low in nutrients, high in calories, and contains harmful substances that can damage your health. Bad food can increase your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases . Some examples of bad food are processed foods, such as chips, cookies, cakes, pastries, fast foods, and ready meals. These foods are often high in salt, sugar, fat, and additives, and low in fiber, vitamins, and minerals . Other examples of bad food are sugary drinks, such as soft drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks, and fruit juices. These drinks are loaded with added sugars and calories, and can contribute to tooth decay, weight gain, and insulin resistance. Alcohol is another example of bad food that can harm your liver, brain, heart, and immune system.