
Clothing is all about covering the body, cloths are put on for numerous purposes, and to different occasions. It is a basic necessity that we need, to carry out our day to day activities. Clothes come in different sizes and designs, clothes are worn for various reasons.


Decency in dressing or decent dressing, sends a message to anyone that comes in contact with you. It can leave either a positive impression or a negative one. One thing we should note is that, dressing does not determine a persons personality or character, not undermining the fact that some people determine a persons character trait, based on their appearance/dressing.

Decent dressing goes a long way in boosting a persons personality, and gives outward attractiveness to a person.


There is a popular saying that says “The way you dress is the way you will be addressed”, this in itself means that you would be defined based on your dressing/appearance, and people tend to believe in what they see rather than what they hear. Decency says a person is worth more than meet the eye.


Decency is important for various reasons but i will give two that i feel are of most importance; firstly decency helps us make good impression in others and secondly decency shows that we have self respect for ourselves. First impression they say matters a-lot, and we have come to discover that this saying is true. Lets look at some scenarios : Mr. Ray wants to go for an interview, and he wears ripped jeans (popularly called rugged jeans) with a sleeveless polo to the interview; now imagine you're the manager, what is your first impression on Mr. Ray?

Lets take another scenario : Mr. Jude wants to go for a job interview and he puts on a long sleeves shirt with long trousers, he also tucks-in and makes use of a belt, then wears shoes. You as the manager what would your impression on Mr. Jude be? 

We can clearly see how important decent dressing is when making first impressions. Now the funny thing about this is that, you can never tell who would be of help to you in the future, so we should learn to dress decent and smartly at all times.


Most parents no longer feel it’s necessary to cover up their female children decently/properly. If asked why they will say that they are still children and that they don’t know anything yet. That’s where most parents get it wrong, children learn faster than adults and they adapt easily, so when a mother brings up her child in dressing indecently, the child would grow up loving indecent clothes. So if we see some youths dressing indecently, the fault is not always from them because most of them have been trained to dress that way, and they have become so accustomed to it that they don’t see anything wrong with dressing that way.


The clothes most young ladies put on are nothing to write home about, their attires make so many married men unfaithful. The fault is not always from the women in the homes, most men cheat because they can’t control their libido, so when they see young ladies dressing indecently they are moved to temptation. This is why married ladies are asked to dress alluring in the home to attract their spouses.


Whenever you dress decently, your body language exudes confidence, power and authority, it shows that you not only respect yourself but also your body. In recent years our mode of dressing no longer shows our boldness and believe in ourself, our dressing goes a long way in defining us. I can not possibly dress almost nude and expect to be admired or viewed in high regard, its not done anywhere. Today we see ladies boldly walking around without inner-wears and some are even proud to say it. We see guys going about doing indecent things. Most times i wonder how far people would go for fashion, the most shocking part is that a time will come when this craziness called fashion would be outdated while the now outdated fashion would be in season. Proper dressing is different from decent dressing, proper dressing means being dressed according to the occasion, climate and also the environment you find yourself in, it does not necessarily mean decent. 


When we talk about decency, it is not all about dressing, it runs across various phases of life, we find decency in our speech and even in our character. You can be decent in dressing and also be indecent in your character and speech (by being indecent in speech i mean being rude), you can be indecent in dressing and also be decent in speech and character, you can also be decent in speech, dressing and character and vice versa, it works either ways. If we take keen observation on individuals we would find out that decency in speech and behavior has declined massively, most especially among the youths. There is no regard for elders anymore, i understand that sometimes our elders are not always right but there is a right approach to telling them their lapses. A youth may be sitting down on a chair and an elder comes and asks for that chair politely, we find out that so many persons wont evacuate the chair, and sadly this has become a regular phenomenon in the society. 


Decency is a necessary criteria in the lives of everybody, we should not forget its importance to the society at large. Parents should train their children to dress decently, and the youths should also learn to dress decently because i believe the youths are matured enough to know what is right and what is wrong. We can never tell who would be of help to us tomorrow, so we should learn to be decent in speech, character and dressing. We should build ourselves and our children in decency, this would be of great help to not just our families, but the society at large. 


Decency is loosing its touch in society, although it is not compulsory, necessity demands it. We can see a future where decency in speech would die but i strongly believe that decency can live on with the help of you and i. It might seem absurd to some but there are persons out there who know the value and importance of it in our lives and the society today. Decency needs to be carried on from one generation to the other, our children and younger ones need to understand what it is and why it is important. The type of dress you wear has nothing to do with decency but how it is worn has everything to do with decency. Dress to leave a positive impression today and not to cause a scene. 




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