Political and social work is a much difficult and tough job in all over the world .Butt political and social worker is heart of a nation and a society .In developed states issues are of different kinds such like grip of state departments policies of state departments involvements of multinational companies in state policies and even in political parties financial issues are also there .
Grip of state departments including internal security departments and intelligence agencies and armed forces are a big problem .A worker or a political official who want welfare of humankind can do such only for his own state not for others especially third world because there is a big conflict of interest between said two.The welfare of one is actually lose of other .
Involvment of multinational companies is big problem of political worker for work .Multinational companies prefer there financial benefits not human welfare .Intrust of human welfare and multinational companies contradict sometimes in developed states and mostly in third world .On these financial grounds delevoped nations have made there forums e.g G8 European unions e.t.c.So a social worker although being the head of a state can not contradict the forums policies with his country is in treuty .
The security departments of a state during there jobs sometimes violate the state laws .And sometimes workings as for law of there states cause effect and lose of man of other states .And a geneiun worker sufferers from the said practices.
Financial issues are big problems even in developed nations .A political worker have to contribute in there party funds .A financially sound person sponsor and companies effect the party policies by there funds .
In third world like Pakistan problems are many more including above said of developed nations .Butt the major reasons are developed countries and multinational companies .
A political worker have very limited forums for there work in third world .Mostly forums and political parties are neptunian based and corrupt .A geniun political worker can't adjusted himself in such forums .
On other side proper democratic forums suffering problems by there own states also .A political worker first of all should have an extra time for work and have to contribute in party funds so in third world while working in a proper parties financial issues also there .In such parties financially sound persons also effect part policies .
The behavior of such nations also a big problem .People of third world are mostly illiterate even don't known there rights and sometimes knowingly rights not struggle for that .Having a compromising attitude .To ready them for struggle is a difficult job.Somtimes they cause hurdles for workers.And even work against there rights .
To ready them for there own welfare and better future and rights is much difficult jobs.The division of human in many classes on teritorial ground cultural sects costs races and other such divisions also week the society and nations which effect the real political work.Blind fallowing is also a big problem .
Week political structure is also a big problem in third world .Involment of national and international establishment is a big problem .Local establishment for there own benefits sacrifice and comprises on national interest .And also give services to international mafia which again the benfeciery of a corrupt system.
This national and international establishment are partners for corruption and snatching the wealth of third world in corporation with international mafia and multi national companies.
International establishment is actually the custodian of international mafia and multi national companies international mafia including drug mafia weapon industry mafia smuggling mafia etc multinational companies are all that companies which are searching their coustmer and profits at any cost even humans have to pay their blood and lives for their wealth .
Another organ of establishments is media by using they changes the governments in third worlds because international establishment need an obidiant head of the state and local establishment head which surves like slaves and a sale man of multinational companies .
These are players local and international establishments international mafias multinational companies in copration with media and local mafia are the strong enime of political worker who is working in third world for the well fare of humans rent for the rights of a lay man .
Local crupt departments are a big hurder for a social work .locadepartments are Agent of
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