I walked with my father and my little sister Sheen, and I asked my sister would you like to want some ice cream she say yes yes! then my father can Bering two ice creams and given to me or my little sister she say hmmm yummy!! after my father asked me you want some more food I say yes why not and that is my mistake to say yes that point dad go to Bering some food the car was hit to his leg and they down on the floor the other car was hit his head!. I was shouted dad!! please help us please help someone but no body help us dad full in blood and I was caring and caring to much after 30 minutes the angle was comes in face of person he was asked what happened I was say please help us and then they say yes and shift to hospital to dad. but doctor say sorry! you came to late he is no more I was unconscious and I woke up after 1 day and i not seen my father face last time every thing was finish in my life I really miss him. this is all my fault.