UN ABJURED LOVE. Abdullatif Khalid

Chapter 2 - Un abjured love.

"Who has bewitched you my daughter?" Asked Penie's mother who had closely one eye and ahalf and a crippled arm.

" I wish you knew how curious I am to transform this village." Replied Penie.

Have I ever meandered through the market, soaking up the atmosphere? "Continued Penie" The smells of science wafted from the booths, the sulphurous results of chemical reactions hanging in the air like a pungent perfume. She pushed her finger into a bowl that oozed aroma than that from chicken soup gathered her thoughts at her mother and said to her conscience;

" I wish he knows what my mother wants to create, for I Know he would be my "Jesus" tonight! Ok I wish he wanted to feel me like those drawers. I sigh. He’s not like that. It is all about deeper things within and around him, true love and all the affection I am gaining about important things in life thanks to our love. I don’t always pay attention when he’s speaking, though. I just stare into his eyes trying to look seductive and wonder when he will want to have sex with me again. He has such beautiful eyes! But then I remember that my aim is to change our village. Our village from the generation that is vanishing, from the hopless to the optimistic one.

For all my current hopes are diminishing and my aims are vanishing.

It was not until Penie realised that she is taking to her own conscience and her mother was just staring at her! "Who the hell are you?" Shouted her mother.

Her face showed two figure ones and folded to it's fullest. Pennie shivered as if she was sleeping in a pool of blood but later on she realized that she was carrying a bowl of tears of the hopless parents who sees not the worth of their children.

"Be my daughter by leaving Latif alone on else cease to have my mercy" Comes an order from her mother. Pennie feels disgusted and emaciated, for she sees no use of being a live when her fellow agemates still have a negative and diabolical mindset. She thus decides to go to the pond that was just adjucent to Latif's home stead to commit suicide. "Fall into...... noo it's not easy, sit at the pond shore first", two thoughts came into her mind. Immediately she sat down, She heard Something hurting her arm. A raged morsel camesout, swallowing oily, soily water. There’s so much splashing. Then out of the water comes a dark, fanged muzzle and it bites her face and rips off some of her eyebrows and she looses one eye! She grab at that hairy muscular snapping thing and it grabs her back ten times harder driving twenty ivory nails into her hand till all her figures dispears and she remains with a handfull of no figures.

All man and jack came to see who wants to sacrifice herself for love. For non of them knew not true love, even the fathers had abandoned their families and hung up marriages. All the emaciated mothers clung onto thir toes up to the pond.” — "Ha kutyeee" Latif shouted in his native language. Waiting for a reply from the viewers, saw a bloody like body dressed in tatters lamenting " Love.... Love... I can't go alone... I know he loves me..." This took Latif a back when he heard the voice and for his legs wouldn't hold him straight. He fell down like a rebel being shoot by a solidier with much anger.

This seemingly looked so pathetic like a pedestrian who upends himself with an intriguing premise that raises an emotion in the driver's mind that he must give him a lift!

It is a truth universally acknowledged that love is blind! Was it really the blind love that forced her to commit suicide? It's so pathetic and paradoxical that Latif seemed to be sleeping in a cold fire! For her young age was too old that the earth seemed like heaven and heaven seemed like earth! "I love you Pennie", shouted Latif immediately he felt conscious. All the villagers were amazed of how one would dare to continue loving a one eyed lady with no figures on her left hand. Should we say this is the universal acknowledgement of the fact that love is blind?

Every once in a while there comes a new strange thing that seems to leave a scar on everyone's heart, folded either upside down or normally. But it’s just the way people perceive it that creates a difference and everything in life has its purpose, let it be a challenge one to withstand with the urge of love and affection. After three moons and three suns, the once bloody Pennie had recovered slightly although she wouldn't recover her second eye and the figures.

It's proven beyond reasonable doubt that everyone has got his rib and one who is devoid of it is not worthy living! Latif whose family, there has no clear line between religion and culture. He lives at the junction of great sea shore, sleeps on the earth and covers himself with the sky! His father was a drunked whose friend was the bottle and his homestead was the drinking spree before he went to meet with his ancestors and so he left his son to assume power in the now as at the drinking spree not until he met his favorite, a dry sea with fish in a hot sun swimming onto nothing like a dog hunting nothing in a desert.

The two lover birds made up their minds and stayed together. For they lived a life worse than a face without a nose! but their love reduced not. For they promised eachther paradise in the grave! And grave in heaven!

"Can I as for a favour?" Asked Latif......."come on! Surely how would I reject?" She replied joyfully.

Emmmmm I wish we die on the same day and at the same time that atleast we face our fears and tears together and be burried in the same cemetery if not in the same grave so that our loving souls should meet in the valleys of skulls after death!

" What if true love is just an illusion that creates mental diffusion and what if loving souls shall never meet as we believe?" Replied Penie. And what if love is just an imagination, a sensation built on fantasy and out of reality?" She added.

"Whatsoever" they all shouted.

The two lover birds cut their thumbs and mixed their blood a belief which shows no betrayal at all in their culture. No doubt, no one would hesitate to say that the two loved each other beyond planet earth! For both of them went together every where they went. It's nowander that the whole village hated them because they were jealous, for non of them had true love nor upright children unlike the two lover birds who were gifted by two children with outstanding morals. For it looked like a past because everything looked foreign. No doubt the love between the two acted as a base for love in the whole village. The situation came to be real when they saw even the fathers who had abandoned their families ten years ago coming back to their homesteads. Joy beyond joy and happiness beyond happiness was the only thing portrayed on the clinging faces of the once abandoned mothers who had no hopes but rather tied ropes onto their stomachs to kill hunger.

Justice seems not to be justified! For the whole village was silent that morning. It's so surprising that even the snakes did not hiss that night, the owls didnt hoot that night and the lions couldn't roar. For the morning was too dark, darker than the darkness in the ancient history of their past ancestors. The whole village remaied in agony, the Maids carried baskets of tears of their bosses and Latif was sitting in a pool full of tears . For Pennie had slept on the wrong side of the bed! Her one and half eyes was outrageously coming out! For mucus oozed from the mouth and her nose oozed blood. No one was sure if she was listening to their crys because she replied none.

"Nyabibuya... mukene... mulondi" shouted Latif calling his ancestry gods but her wife came back not. For their prayer wasn't fulfilled, Pennie went to meet her ancestors. Take me..... take me my darling.. she replied not.

Stepping around the rocky stone where she was burried, Latif hears massive upheaval in the rock bed caused by the earthquake which resulted into more than a change in the landscape; it had changed from an earthquake into songs of praise! For Pennie seemed to be happy despite the agony the villagers are left in. With in a tickle of a clock, a foreign new model door alarm like dances its happy jingle as Latif try to open the rock. The cool air from the grave mingled with the cute scent of Saint like sweat bubbling in the grave us heard! Being alone there, he trembles with fear but also feels the joys of solitude, and affection. He feels releaved of the pain of the wounds at his heart. "Loving souls meet whether alive or not alive." He said to himself.