Rachel Joy2023/07/08 11:20

Love has been going through crisis and it became worst by the day. Love was sixteen years old when she noticed she could not open her legs again. Her hips collapsed which caused her so much pain, her hips was cracking and eating up which made one leg longer than the other. Love was taken to the hospital for an ex-ray and result came out showing she has AVASCULAR NECROSIS.

Hazon hired a private nurse to treat her and check the state of her health. Hazon was advised to take his daughter to the Synagogue Church in the Western part of Nigeria for healing and deliverance service. Hazon and his wife took Love to the Synagogue Church. Love was prayed upon and she became better after returning back home to the North. After a few days she became sick again, Love was getting discouraged and her faith started decreasing.

As months passed by, Love was taken to Dunamis Church in Abuja for healing and deliverance service. During the healing session, Love and some other girl had the same health issues. As soon as the other girl was prayed upon, she instantly got her healing. It got to Love's turn and nothing happened after she was prayed upon. Love became so angry in her spirit and asked herself why hers is different.

Jeremiah 17:14 says, "Heal me O Lord, and I shall be healed, save me O Lord and I shall be saved, for you are my praise."

Love returned back to the Synagogue Church to get her healing again, but nothing still did not happen. She lost faith, she became discouraged and bitter within her. She said to herself, "Is it because of my sins I am not healed?" Love stopped hearing people's testimonies that are related to her health condition.

Months later, Love was taken to Mercy Land somewhere in Nigeria. After spending days in attending the healing session, she became okay. She did not have any crisis nor did she have any sign of pains in her body. Love was so happy that she has gotten her healing.

However, after they went back home, few days later Love started screaming in pains and agony. Love cried out loud saying, "what is happening to me? Is God not answering my heart cry? Is God doing nothing about my situation?"

God said to her, "I do not want any man to take my glory". Love understood what God meant, He wants to do it himself and not through any man. God said to her, "I am in this."

Love encouraged herself in the Lord and built her faith back and put her trust in God.