Lost in the mangroves of the Delta . ( The scariest experience of my life )

It was mid July , and the rains usually fell in torrents in this time of the year . It is worse so in coastal regions . The rivers are usually filled over making it a herculean task for fishermen and other riverrine inhabitants - to navigate even so called familiar terrains . Although it is a viable commercial season for many whose livelihoods depend exclusively on the rivers , this is because varieties of large fishes and other sea creatures which hitherto stayed far in the higher seas and deeper beneath , are carried by sea currents and floods closer to canals and even to shore lines .
I had followed my friend James and one other guy that I was meeting for the first time to a fishing trip . James , a typical Calabari boy knew all the terrains well like the back of his palm so it did not take too long to convince me to sign in for what was an adventure to me . The canoe was of a moderate size and my two friends took turns to steer the wooden vehicle with a paddle . It was a smooth and largely easy ride . Travelling in a canoe wasn't as challenging as I had imagined after all ! Well , the height of the water and most importantly, the direction of the water current worked in our favour . I figure we had been on the go for two hours or thereabout , making certain swings and turns at specific intervals but it didn't look like we were any closer to our destination . My friends kept cracking jokes and looking completely relaxed as though we were traveling on a the road ! I was beginning to get really uneasy and down right apprehensive . My mind was simulating different fearful scenerios . I decided to shut my eyes maybe that would rein in the riotous thoughts that had unsettled me . But it did not do me any good one bit - rather I saw pictures after pictures of really scary colorations . I saw that our boat overturned and we were struggling to swim ashore ! Poor me ! I had never entered a river high to my knees except maybe , in my dreams .
We had made a detour and and paddled pm through an water body that was rather large . It was still a small version of the oceans we saw on the television. It was nonetheless an ocean. There was no telling just how deep it was !
As if James read my thoughts ." O boy no fear oo , you are safe with us . There , ( he pointed to what looked like a bush with trees and shrubs , about five miles or so , ahead ) is our destination " I heaved a sigh of relief." We were going to have the opportunity to come down from the canoe and stand on land " I reasoned as I made the sign of the cross .
In no time we branched off the larger waters into one that seemed like a regular path way ( though still on water ) . The area was almost totally quiet except for occasional rumbling and splashing sounds said to be coming from fish . We packed and anchored the canoe among the little growths. Having ensured it was steady and secure enough . We moved on on foot . James had a few fish traps here and there that He needed to inspect . His brother had his too . It was a swampy area but we had portions that were of real solid earth . The buzzing sounds of insects also helped to bring the bush to life . I was stung by one or two insects . We sat down at a portion that had been cleared and had a meal of roasted fish , bread and akara . James later brought out from his bag a bottle of Whiskey which tossed to us . I was fine with the water we had taken .
As the duo went about their business , I found a perfect corner and sat down to relax a little before my colleagues would come back . The bush was refreshing and breezy and in no time I dozzed off . Although the insecs could not let me enjoy my sleep
Moments later
I heard roaring sounds of engine boats from a distance . I wasn't bothered . I didn't need to be . We had encountered a number of them on our way coming .But the sounds were becoming increasingly louder and closer and of some concern to me . I realized at that point that my friends were no longer within ear shot . Moments ago I could hear their foot sounds as they moved about . It was baffling . " Could they have gone far away within such brief moment? " I wondered. I found my way to the spot our canoe was packed . It was still as packed . The engine boats seemed to come my direction . At this point I was badly shaken . I thought about militants , about kidnappers . It downed on me that I couldn't speak Calabari , although I had a few Calabari friends . Then came a litany gun shot sounds . There were equally gunshots response from the opposite direction . In a few moments it seemed I was encircled . The cacophony turned suddenly into a gun duel . Pellets of bullets were flying around me with . I took a decision to lie on my stomach . I laid for about thirty minutes under a tree cursing myself for ever taking the decision to embark on the trip . I felt a rattling sound followed by a cold sensation on my right leg . I couldn't stir nor move my leg . I was scared stuff . The sensation continued . It was an object certainly ! I closed my eyes tight and held my breath . The movement proceded to my chest. I managed to take a peep from a corner of my eye . Lo and behold ! A huge snake ! It stretched it's gigantic length from my feet to my head . The weight was enormous. I was dead no doubt ! I closed my eyes tight again, my breath was already held . I was going to suffocate. Any wrong move I would have been strangled or even swallowed by the huge beast . A temporary reprieve came my way after the animal had crawled pass.
But the danger was far from being abated . In my lying position , I heard sounds of foot steps. Persons were matching briskly like soldiers towards my direction and in their number. It seemed like a military parade just that there were no words of command or chants accompanying their march. Any sound or movement will simply give away my hiding position . To be continued . Follow and comment for more juicy stories from STORY TELLA
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