💜SKYLAR 💜 The unknown part of me

Pookie bear2023/02/25 16:05
The unknown part of me


  Unknown part of me

   Episode 1

Genre:romance,secrets,hatred,suspense and death

Written by Charlotte

          SKYLAR POV

Yesterday was really not my day because grandma made me help her pack our stuffs so late into the night,As I stood i stood up dizzily from bed,I hurried into the bathroom,washed up and went downstairs.

"Good morning granny"I greeted

"Good morning dear,how was your night"

"Well fine I guess!!but granny why did we have to pack our stuffs so late at night and please don't tell me we are moving"I asked looking her straight in the eye.

"We are moving,Skylar"she said blatantly,then with concerns written on her face,she walked up to me and cuddled my face with her two hands"we have to move".

"What?!,Granny!!!..,this is the fourth time we are moving,am really tired of moving granny"I said and sat down frustrated.

"You won't understand,it's for our own good

"Granny please!,I said almost breaking down"you say that anytime you want us to move out".

"Skylar"she called out and walked up to me"one day,you will understand why am doing this now,so go up there and pack your remaining stuff.....do it for your granny"she said smiling while pinching my face.

"But granny"

"No,no,go and do it for granny or do you want me to cry"

"No granny,i will do it just because i want to see you happy always "I said and rushed upstairs.

  "Skylar!!,come down..the taxi is here"I heard granny yell after some minutes.

"Well guess its time to say goodbye to my room"I said and rushed downstairs.

            **FEW HOURS LATER**

"Here we are!!!"Granny announced immediately the taxi pulled over in front of a house much better than our old house,we went inside and started putting everything in order.

"The interior is way more better than the exterior"

"Yes,just the perfect place to stay"

"So tell me granny,where did you get the money to buy this magnificent house"

"Em,Skylar please go and pack your own things in your room OK"


"Am tired Skylar"

"OK"I said and left for my room.....well guys,you might be wondering why I had to ask my Granny that or why we are always moving or who I am,quick introduction...Am skylar hart and am 17,I won't say am living an enjoyable life,my life is so boring and frustrating and it pisses me off but then I have my Granny so am fine....About moving,I don't know anything about that and Granny won't tell me either....About the money I asked of,yes it's quite surprising cos neither I nor my Granny is working and if there was anything granny hates discussing about with me then it's where she gets money from and about my parents and sometimes she pretends as if she is asthmatic just to avoid my question.


              UNKNOWN POV

"What do you mean by that,you lost them again"

"Yes,but please give me a second chance"

"I should give you a second chance or you mean third chance"i ask with a smirk

"Please,this last one"

"I don't understand why you can't handle two women"I growl

"One is not ordinary,she do sense the danger"

"You can't handle this"

"I can,please one  last  chance"

"Kill him"I ordered and left

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