My response to Super bowl ads about Jesus.
Three highly important points to note.
1. Yes, God loves the people we hate.
2. God doesnt force his love on us. we are not all God's children, the bible says "If you love me, you will keep my commandments"E.g Mom told me not to play out in the cold, i dont know why but i know that mom cares about me and disobeying her will break her heart, i dont wanna make mom sad...as i mature in my faith in my mother i understand how playing in the cold can get me ill, i dont wanna be ill, mom never wanted me to get ill playing in the cold"
The bible also says, Choose this day who you will serve, as for me and my house, we will serve the lord. Now that doesnt mean you can do as you want or for the laws of the state to be changed to allow people to do as they want. Sin remains sin and is punishable by the law of the land and also by God on judgement day, this is the consequence for "doing as you want"
3. Some have chosen the devil as their father..the bible says "For you are like your father the devil, he has been a lair and a murderer from its begining and abides never in truth.
For that reason God has given them up, but not given up on them, they have to sincerely repent. We are to never encourage sin nor sinners, yes this also includes all types of sexual sins especially abominable ones like sexual immorality, remind them of right and wrong as taught in the bibke, help them re-awaken their consience.
last but not least, the only minus..... drop the picture of Jesus.. describe the real Jesus, let people use their imagination based on the biblical description given without the need for a photograohic representation of him. Good work.
If anyone doesnt understand the meaning of "He gets us", it means God understands everything we go through, he came as a human being to earth to experience life as a human, for more information on the most accurate description on who Jesus is and an explanation on what it means by "He died for our sins" visit the post in the following links which was also written by myself.
so worship God, Jesus is no longer on earth, nor does he want you to worship his earthly appearance, he is back in heaven, back to himself, back with himself, he remains God, so why bot worship God and remember what he did on earth when he came to earth as a human, remember that he is coming back again physicly to this earth again but not in the same body he came as thousands of years ago, so then why not worship God if you agree that He is God. When you pray, call on your father who art in heaven.
Point to note:
The super bowl ad wasnt a product of the right wing but the left wing, this is another false flag attack and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, AOC is pretending, she wants you to think its of the right wing.
written by David Fasanmade
a.k.a He Rocks.
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