Salam and Shallom to my brothers and sisters. Salam to my Muslim family, shallom to my Christian family. Note : I am in no way making the greeting seclusive to modern day Jews (I.e jews from the Anno domini period till present date)
Today we shall discuss "Defending Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).
The prophet is already well defended first and foremost by God (Allah), his direct ancestors, true muslims , historians and true Christians with intuition.
For the above given facts, we urge Fellow Muslims and good willing Arabs to stop spreading disinformation about the Prophet. He was not mentioned anywhere in the Holy Bible, he was mentioned in the Holy Qur'an though. He is well represented too, we do not need to try too hard to prove his authenticity, some people have eyes but can't see, ears but can't hear, no matter the evidence they will still not believe, Satan (shaytan) has blocked their ears and eyes. So stop spreading misinformation so that the al mufsideen do not say "We are lairs" when they read through the holy books and the spirit of God helps them interprete scriptural prophesies .
The comforter Jesus prophesied about that would come after he had ascended into heaven is as a matter of fact not The Prophet Muhammed(PBUH) but the Holy spirit who descended unto the earth at the day of Pentecost, the event is recorded somewhere in the book of Acts. That Holy spirit was also present in the body of Prophet Muhammed(PBUH) inspiring him to write as led by the Spirit of God , he was also visited by the Angels of "God" (Allah).
That same Holy spirit is present in the lives and heart of every true believer whether Muslim or Christian. It can be confirmed in the following scripture: JOHN 14 :12-13. NLT
“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.(Spiritual Father ) You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father.(We belivers are spiritual children of God because we follow Jesus).
Below are more commendable facts about The Geneology, works and life of the Prophet.
Let's go back in time and ask who the father of faith is, I.e the founding father of both monotheistic religions I.e Christianity and Islam. Abraham (Ibrahim) is known as the father of both faiths.
Abraham married an Indian (amorite) servant girl named Haggar, who worked in Egypt, for his wife Sarah could not bear a child at the time. When they left Egypt Haggar bore Abram(for that was his name at first) a male child, he named him Ishmael.
Sarah later bore him a second son named Isaac. Since Sarah was his first and real wife, she became jealous of Haggar and her son and at how Abram treated both sons equally , the angel of the Lord appeared unto Abram and advised him to let go of Haggar, Abram knowing how hurting it was to send away his first son and baby momma obeyed the Lord for he trusted that God loved both Haggar and Ishmael even more than he did, with that knowledge he trusted God had better plans for them so he sent them away.
He didn't send them away empty handed though, he gave them camels, horses, and a portion of his riches, the angel assured Abraham that he will bless Ishmael's descendants and favor them highly but that his covenant will be with Isaac.
Jesus the christ's genealogy traces back to Isaac, Prophet Muhammed's (pbuh) traces back to Ishmael. Their combined genealogy trace back to Abraham.
We Have to remember that Islam was ordained by God himself, it started as a rebellious religious movement against the roman catholic Church and the crusaders who thwarted Christian principles to favor their political agenda.
E.g white Jesus, taking over of isreal by the Romans, killing all the aborigine Isrealites, banishing many from their own land, claiming the isrealite culture , history and even language as theirs- the height of wickedness, breaking of the 2nd commandment I.e " Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them” .
Here we are not referring to art or sculptures but instead idol worship, worshipping the things made by man or a picture or image of anyone or thing.
God Was aware they would create a false Jesus, also God's intention wasnt for Jesus to be idolised for that was the body he lived in and came through during his visit to earth to have a human experience as an undercover boss, he also tried not to blow his cover, he gave us clues that he was the boss and we understood but he pointed us to his heavenly image which isn't that of a human, nor can it be represented in an image.
you are meant to close or open your eyes and think of God as a bright light, for that is how we would see him out of his heavenly throne.
FOR DETAILED INFO VISIT: A POST of mine titled " Similarities between the Quran and Bible"
:MORE on the Holy Spirit: Note:Look at how technology has skyrocketed ever since, see how Godly innovations have made life easier for men. God is All great, all powerful, ever present, all knowing, his technologies are infinity times much more super duper advanced than that of humans.
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