Two Medicinal Plants That Can Treat Blood Shortages And Boost Blood Supply

Sophie Sylvia2022/12/01 04:25
Two Medicinal Plants That Can Treat Blood Shortages And Boost Blood Supply

According to Medical News Today’s interview with Dr. Meredith Goodwin, blood shortage is a common blood illness brought on by a decrease in the body’s production of healthy red blood cells. While there are many various therapies for an individual’s blood shortage, some local green vegetables are extremely rich in iron and other nutrients that boost the creation of red blood cells and support healthy blood circulation. This article emphasizes two local plants that solve the problem of blood shortage and improve blood supply.

1. Fluted Pumpkin Leaf (Telfairia occidentalis)

Notably, fluted pumpkin leaf is a highly nutritious vegetable responsible for boosting the blood level of individuals suffering from inconsistent blood circulation. In 2016, nutritionists, after critical analysis and food experiments, discovered that the juice of fluted pumpkin leaf includes iron and folic acid, vital elements that increase the synthesis of red blood cells. Also, to derive the maximum effect of filter pumpkin leaves, you can use them to prepare diverse meals for dietary intake.

2. Justicia carnea leaf (Flamingo flower)

A 2019 Nigerian Tribune article reports that the aqueous leaf extracts of Justicia carnea are used in Nigeria as a traditional blood tonic. According to studies, the Justicia carnea plant’s leaves are remarkable sources of copper, iron, tannins, and vitamin B complex. These nutrients are essential for boosting red blood cell synthesis and strengthening hemoglobin in the blood. Therefore, the juice of Justice carnea, which can be extracted by either boiling or pressing, has a tremendous potential to raise the blood levels of both pregnant women and people with anemia.

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