Chapter 2 - "The causes of mental illness."
The causes of mental illness vary and depend on several interrelated factors. Among the common reasons are:
1. *Genetic Factors:* There may be genetic elements that play a role in the development of various mental disorders.
2. *Environmental Factors:* Life experiences and environmental stressors, such as family tension or traumatic events, can contribute to the emergence of psychological issues.
3. *Hormonal Changes:* Shifts in hormonal balance can affect mental well-being, especially during periods like adolescence, pregnancy, and postpartum.
4. *Brain Chemistry Imbalances:* Changes in brain chemistry, such as deficiencies or excesses in certain chemicals, may contribute to mental health disorders.
5. *Social Factors:* Social elements like social isolation or discrimination can play a role in the development of psychological problems.
6. *Substance Abuse:* The use of natural or chemical substances can lead to disruptions in mental and psychological functions.
It's important to note that these factors often interact with each other, and complex interactions occur to shape an individual's mental state.