Many people prefer to bathe with hot water for diverse reasons, not knowing the incredible health benefits of having a cold shower that they are missing out on. According to WebMD, bathing with cold water helps reduce inflammation of the muscles, fatigue, tension and unnecessary weight gain. Notably, bathing is an essential part of personal hygiene, but the temperature of the water we use matters a lot. Keep reading this article to find out 7 reasons you should bathe with cold water.
1. In the morning, cold water aids in waking up.
According to Healthline, whenever cold water hits the body, it creates a sudden shock sensation that heightens body alertness, heart rate and intake of oxygen. Scientists reckon that this is the reason an individual that is asleep jolts up with a shock when cold water is poured on him/her. Hence, bathing with cold water in the morning gives one very positive energy for the rest of the day.
2. It Enhances Blood Circulation
In a recent WebMD publication, experts reveal that whenever we have a cold shower, the circulatory system assumes a survival mode. This survival mode prompts an increase in the heart rate, causing the heart to pump blood effectively in the body. Studies show that enhanced blood circulation is the main reason why individuals are advised to bathe with cold water.
3. Improved Mental Health
Noradrenaline and beta-endorphins are two chemicals that are produced in the body whenever we bathe in cold water. The chemical production of these enzymes has an anti-depressant effect on the brain and boosts the psychological well-being of a person. Therefore, it is highly recommended that individuals suffering from depression or anxiety have a cold shower frequently, as it may improve their mental state of mind.
4. Cold Showers Keeps The Skin and Hair Healthy.
Dr Jacqueline Schaff in a 2020 Healthline publication says that cold water tightens the flow of blood in the layers of the skin and hair. This strengthens the hair cuticles and retains natural oils found in the sebum layer of the skin, leading to a healthy hair glow and skin free of blemishes.
5. Helps With Weight Loss
A 2020 health line publication reveals that whenever you have a cold water bath, the skin cells instantly struggle to stay warm. This vigorous reaction creates a temporary body metabolism in brown fat cells of the skin and burns excess fats and calories, eventually aiding weight loss.
6. Relaxes Muscles After Strenuous workouts
Fitness instructors strictly advise that you have a cold shower after engaging in sports activities or a series of strenuous workouts. Why? This is because cold water has regenerative properties that reduce soreness of the muscles (relaxes the muscles) after intense workouts.
7. It Boosts The Immune System
According to WebMD, having a cold shower may prevent one from catching a cold. Bathing with cold water over time makes the body adapt to a cold environmental temperature or a temperature below normal. This boosts the immune system gradually, making it difficult for one to have a cough or catarrh.
Conclusively, medical practitioners advise that the water not be too cold to avoid the development of health issues. Cold water for bath should be preferably 50-60°Celcius. Your health is all that matters.
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