5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Bathe With Hot Water

Sophie Sylvia2022/11/15 13:28
5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Bathe With Hot Water

Do you know that many think it is a great idea to soak in a hot tub or take a hot shower after a hard day because of the comfort and relaxation they experience? According to Healthline, although a hot water bath may help with muscle relaxation and relief from cold, it poses a lot of threats to the general health status of a person.

A health article from the UPMC Department of Dermatology further reveals that bathing with hot water dries the skin, affects fertility, could cause hair fall and increase blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Keep reading this article to discover detailedly why you shouldn’t bathe with hot water.

1. It leads to dry skin

Hot water harms the keratin cells in the epidermis, the skin’s top layer, according to a 2021 Newsmeter Network article. The heat from the water which penetrates the skin pores dries the natural oils in the serum layer up and causes dry skin. As a result, the skin cannot conserve moisture, which can lead to eczema and excruciating itching.

2. It May Lead To Infertility In Men

Recent studies have shown that having a hot water bath for over 30 minutes has a dominant link to infertility in men. Exposure to high water temperatures leads to scrotal heating, which weakens sperm quality and lowers sperm count. Therefore, medical practitioners advise individuals suffering from procreation or fertility problems to bathe with cold water instead.

3. Makes You Feel Lethargic (Inactive)

When hot water touches your skin, your body feels so relaxed and unresponsive that you might want to take a quick nap or rest. According to studies, taking a hot bath in the morning does not provide you with the positive energy or alertness required to begin the activities of a new day, rather makes you feel lethargic.

4. It Boosts The Chances Of Developing Skin Breakouts

According to Newsmeter Network, even though the steam from a hot water bath enlarges the skin pore to twice their normal size to enhance blemish-free skin, these enlarged pores may also accumulate dead cells, dirt and other impurities that increase one’s risk of developing wrinkles or acne.

5. It Heightens Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Patients

Anyone with hypertension or a cardiovascular condition shouldn’t take a hot bath. According to a Healthline article, the heat from the vapour causes their already-high blood pressure to rise even more by increasing blood circulation throughout their bodies.

Finally, physicians advise against using hot water when bathing because it can have negative consequences for your health.


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