“What is this angry look on your face, Darling?” Uncle Derek asked.
“Derek, you don’t listen to me. You don’t listen to me o! I told you this lady is a witch, you didn’t believe me” Auntie Sheila responded fuming with anger.
“What is the problem my Dear?” Uncle Derek inquired.
She burst out crying.
A robbery had taken place at Auntie Sheila’s shop in a broad day light. The notorious armed robbers took all the sales they have made and about 90 percent of the fabrics which was given to Auntie Sheila on credit.
As time went by, things became difficult for the family especially for Casey since she was badly maltreated by her Auntie.
Uncle Derek’s daughters were sent home because tuition wasn’t paid for 2 semesters. Eating one square meal a day was a struggle in the house. Creditors kept on calling Auntie Sheila for their payment and threatening to get her arrested.
A final decision was made by Uncle Derek that they sell the house to ease their financial worries.
Fast forward to few weeks, the house has been sold and the family has moved to an old chalet in Tema. Uncle Derek moved to his hometown in the Brong Ahafo region to join his father in the farming business.
Casey has been very sick for the past two days and Auntie Sheila took her to the hospital. She was admitted and the doctor advised them to run a series of tests including HIV to ascertain what the problem is.
Malaria and typhoid test came out positive that same day.
While they were expecting the other results, the Doctor started treating malaria and typhoid.
As Casey was recovering very fast, the HIV test result came out and it was also positive. The news reached Casey. Hell on earth? It was a mystery!
Casey couldn’t control her tears… She was devastated and broken.
“HIV? Like, HIV?? So God, this is the reward you decided to give me for serving you faithfully all these years?”
“Is this the bright future you promised me? Weren’t you satisfied after taking my parents from me?”
“Is this how you intend to use me in this generation? With HIV?? With HIV eh? Ahh God!!”
She said with a raised voice, sat on the hospital floor and squawked.
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