East or West Offline school is the best.
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Generally, you may feel that going out is pointless if you get something at home. The same thing happens with kids too. When you ask your kid if they want to go to school or to be at home and study, they might probably choose to stay at home and study. Today’s generation finds online classes easier compared to offline classes. After the pandemic, students have become comfortable with the concept of online classes.The advantages and disadvantages of online classes and offline classes that we are going to discuss in this article.Online classes combine video recordings and live lectures with course assignments and tests. It is usually conducted using a virtual portal through which students can connect and gather reading materials, interact with teachers and classmates, view grades, and monitor progress.Offline education is a traditional method of learning that provides students with a physical environment for learning with their classmates.Online classes bring education to your home easily.It might be difficult for young kids to adjust to online classes.Offline classes help in improving the concentration of students.Students might not get the chance to learn about developing technology.