Yeserathi2022/11/12 16:17

A special committee composed of some of the best minds drawn mainly from Borutov's main think-tank, was immediately put in place to strategize on the best course action that the new government would pursue in resolving the pertinent issue. Their main task was to brainstorm and give recommendation on the best plan that would be effected and help tame the monster of corruption that was in rampage.They had to rush and beat the deadline set as the outcome of their findings would be vital in establishing policies and plans on which the new administration would rely on in confronting the menace. Their report was scheduled to be ready before Borutov announced his much anticipated cabinet. Their proposal was meant to form the backbone in which the new administration would restructure its main goals.

Borutov's advisory team was rumored to be highly stratified, with a number of levels made up of different cliques of advisors who played different roles as demanded by the nature of set objectives. At the apex of this advisory structure, was a special group which was widely thought to have been the main cogs that were behind the formulation of Borutov's exemplary campaign strategies. The credibility of their expertise roles employed in the historic campaign was therefore in no doubts, as their efforts now had already paid off in successfully propelling their man to the highest office in the land. Little was known about this clique as their operations and tasks were confined more into boardroom affairs, calling shots behind the scenes away from public glamor. They managed to stay out of the limelight during the entire campaign period, making much of their actions remain a subject of speculations.

This special group was made up of visionaries who were commonly referred by the name 'wenyeji' which is a local slang that means residents. Borutov was one of this residents, which was a group that was defined by its high standard of values, governed by a complex code of ethics centered on professionalism. The only difference between him and the rest was his newly acquired status that automatically made him become first among the equals. Having won the presidential race, Borutov now assumed the overall leadership of this club of elites. The residents new role was to ensure that the tenure of their fellow member would be a success story at the long run.

The residents were a group of people with shared values and ambitions, drawn from diverse professional backgrounds. Some were positioned to serve as secretaries in the new cabinet that was yet to be assembled by the incoming government. However joining the cabinet wouldn't have any impact on their roles and assignments reserved for their positions in the the top advisory club. They would discharge their duties as ministers and still serve as advisors in Borutov's special inner circle. Multitasking was a very common thing in Borutov's unique organizational work structure. He greatly preferred this system in his work flow, as the mode greatly aligned with his belief systems which were grounded in the concept of duality. His leadership style in most cases incorporated his thoughts and ideas, derived from what he regularly referred to as the aesthetics of efficiency. This maxim that was applied in his work structure, greatly mirrored on his habits formed from a character he had cultivated over the years. A character which strongly manifested his penchant of multiplicity. It was therefore common for a person to play more than one role in Borutov's peculiar work station.

To become a member of the residents boardroom was not an easy task. To be accorded this privilege, one had to display a very topnotch discipline, with high levels of intellectualism being at the core of the group. The residents greatly understood that performance reality was first and foremost tied to intellectual honesty, hence their preference in the use of this selective approach when admitting potential members. The method used proved to be effective as the resulting intellectual mix in the group, blended a variety of quality talents that were perfectly matched with one another. The criteria deployed by the group was therefore a true representation of the mechanism of reciprocity at its best.

The selected residents tasked with formulating the great plan on the way forward managed to beat the deadline set. They delivered their proposal in time. Borutov and the rest of the group now had the chance to review the report before making the decision on the next move. The findings established corruption and misappropriation of public funds as the biggest problems that faced the country. The committee indicated that these vices were a true reflection of the true sequence embedded in the general public system. To effect a realistic change, this sequence had to be altered.

They recommended the fight against corruption being made a top priority.The current state of the nation was like that of a ship sailing in a rough sea, whose welfare could only be maintained by calming the turbulent waves and storms. There were multiple interpretations on what could be done to address the deplorable conditions present in the state. However in order to realize tangible results, and for the sake of efficiency in making significant progress, the new administration would have to abandon any scenario that would force it to pursue multiple courses of actions. The committee had arrived on the sole decision of having an all out war waged against this ghost of corruption. The proposal given was based on the members best informed decisions arrived after a deep analysis of available facts unearthed, during their short stint of investigative work.

Borutov and his team enthusiastically embraced the report. They all in unison agreed that the fact finding episode was now done. They accepted the verdict made by the committee and deemed it worthy of being translated into an official mission. The fight against corruption was now established as being factual, and there would be no room to entertain anything related to what could be deemed as counterfactuals. They now had the job in their hands, which was to execute the mission according to the procedures and guidelines outlined in the proposal. The new regime would now commit resources and have its focus directed to this endeavor. It would try its best in avoiding possible distracting situations. This would involve completely ignoring and giving blackout to any diversionary decisions confirmed as resulting from speculations, induced from hypothesis based on idle curiosity.

Their acknowledgement and acceptance of the report meant that the committee of experts could proceed with the next phase in their presentation. They would now shed some light on the operational face of the planned mission. They stated that the battle against the scourge was the best chosen action as it would in return have some kind of spillover benefits, that would permeate in almost all government departments. The impact would make it easier to streamline many of the affected public agencies.

The experts indicated that the biggest challenge in the fight against graft was the complex nature of the environment in which the vice was facilitated. The saboteurs involved propagated it in both junior and senior levels.Their operations in most cases were carried beneath or above the integrity radar, and this largely obstructed the essential scrutiny. They however confirmed to Borutov and the rest that the newly designed mission would adequately factor in this problem. They had made notable improvisations to make sure that the operation would fall in line with the desired outcome. The sole objective of the new mission would be to set an example on the government's resolve and will in the battle against graft.

The nature of these example setting missions, demanded the need of finding some form of decoys, who would serve as the fall guys at the final stage of the mission. The vitality of their input in the long chain of the complex operations, was tied up in their fate at the end of the mission. The outcome would later pass the intended message, which the operation was specifically designed to accomplish.

Potential offenders in all levels would thereafter have to weigh on the consequences likely to befall them before they got engaged in the vices that were now regarded by the new administration as the biggest enemies of the state. The new regime according to the plan did not have to spend its resources in digging for new evidence to incriminate new suspects.

To save time and resources, the operatives in the departments entrusted with the operation, would just need to revisit the archives which were gaining dust in the vaults of justice.They would compile a list of the existing suspects intended to act as decoys in this operation from the available files. The targeted group would comprise a number of influential individuals who had retreated back from the arena of active politics to assume other crucial roles in the shadows behind the scenes. The information that touched on this individuals being involved in many of the biggest past scandals that had ever rocked the nation, was already in the public domain. They now concentrated on exerting pressure and influence on successive administrations, as they aimed to safeguard their interests, most importantly to have the files containing their past deeds, if possible remain forever closed, never to be opened in their lifetime.

The proposal was so prudently crafted as it had examined all scenarios, various pretexts and other eventualities that were likely to pop up in the course of the operation. Those in charge would make use of technology to track the digital signatures and expenditure patterns of this esteemed clients who were destined to become future guests of the state.The final episode of the mission would include a successful prosecution of the targeted individuals and maximum recovery of the looted wealth, which would set a precedent on how future authorities would combat and deal with frauds orchestrated against the public agencies.

The name of the operation was codenamed 'operation octopus. ' The main body of the octopus was the battalion of the targeted corrupt ndividuals, who were designed to serve as decoys in the operation. They formed the head of this giant octopus. Severing the head of this octopus was set to be the main mission. The minor offenders were treated as the tentacles which do project from the main body. The planners considered that Striking the main body would definitely impact on these detachments that stemmed from it, they would fall off at the end.

The actual action was to be spearheaded by actors mainly drawn Borutov's new cabinet structure. The justice docket and foreign relations were destined to play the most important part as the success of the operation was greatly pinned on their effectiveness in which they would perform their roles. The operation was set to play in both the national and the international arenas. This was on the basis of the immense influence that the targeted group wielded in both the local and global scenes. Those charged with the noble mission would therefore have to synergize their actions with some actors and organizations based in some of the foreign countries of key interest in this special operation.

The foreign department was set to undertake a series of shuttle diplomatic engagements, aimed at reaching consensus with specific foreign governments, which had a number of their financial institutions serve as major havens in which much of the looted wealth was hidden. The special committee had weighed on the prevailing situation in the international space, and established that the conditions out there were favorable to have some form of constructive engagements with some of this foreign nations. They suggested that this kind of approach would be much inferring that the new administration had assumed leadership in a post covid-19 world, whose dynamics were rapidly changing in favor of a multipolar world. Based on their well informed conclusions, this change of circumstances would have an advantage on the course of implementing the planned mission.

The pandemic had wrecked havoc in large part of the developed world. Conspiracies were rife in their backyards especially among the conservative and right wing affiliated population. Most of the theories propagated indicated that the the spread of the killer virus was not a mere accident, but a form of a biochemical warfare. These reports however were dismissed in higher levels as falsehoods made from unfounded claims. Many though agreed that the epidemic had caught them unaware. Incase of the pandemic being included as another form of threat, this would mean a change of focus as much attention had initially been directed to nuclear and cyberspace threats. The pandemic had polarized their domestic environment and this would mean a sudden change of priorities as a way of stabilizing the situation.

The people entrusted with the mission were required to try as much as possible to reach some of the most powerful and influential lobby groups in this nations. They would help in pushing for negotiations with this governments aimed at having the looted wealth repatriated in the country.

In order to avoid suspicion, they would have the lobbyists in this countries help in swaying the public opinion in favor of their governments freezing assets of many of the targeted individuals. The administration would then act as if out to protect the interests of its esteemed citizens, who at this point would be filled with uncertainty and anxiety, as the future surrounding their large fortune would now be in jeopardy. The government would give them assurance that the foreign department at this moments would be doing everything at its disposal and discretion to obtain a fair deal concerning the wealth in question. They would be updated on the efforts mounted behind the scenes to ensure that their assets would remain intact, and not left to end into the drains.

Afterwards the privileged suspects would be informed that after many rounds of negotiations with the governments in question, that the final deal arrived at , which is the only alternative of the foreign assets being frozen, is by having the controversial wealth transferred to the government. They would be made to believe that the government would find ways of having them reclaim their huge sums once the transfer process is complete.

The committee in their proposal had indicated that by having all the looted wealth converged in the country, the operation would thereafter proceed to the last stage. The suspects would until then continue to be kept in suspense especially by ensuring that they don't get the wind of what's awaiting them, so as not to flee the country. The government would achieve this by staging some formalities and complexities that would keep them in the dark until the final episode. Later information would be leaked to the public in bits, on what would be termed as the biggest and most successful recovery of public assets in the country's history.

The new department in the Justice system would then move with speed to prosecute the high profile cases. The cases would be intended to send signals to other players that the new government was serious on the war against corruption and squandering of public funds. Once the cases are concluded, the accused would be sent to newly established correctional facilities solely designed to accommodate those charged with cases involving graft. These new facilities would be named after the president on whose tenure, the country waged a successful war against corruption in the public service. And this leader would be none other but the new sheriff in town, president Borutov.

The special facilities were to be branded with the name 'Borutov money jails'. Their new occupiers would be people who had committed fraud and corruption driven by their desire of getting rich quickly, without using the main ways sanctioned by the mandate of heaven, that is creating wealth through either innovation or invention. Everybody in the special sitting burst out in laughter after the mention of the new name that had been suggested by the committee for the proposed jails. Borutov joked that he did did not mind his name being used in state affairs.