Peculiar bookstore2022/10/30 23:18

Add goals

Let look at me as an example. One day during the on going, ‘get me back my people’ which was February, I fasted for 3 days and on the third day I anoint my house and the living room as a place of rest for the angels and other positive spirit.

So I said, “stay at the corner of the house so that is can send you to God to deliver my messages to him”.

And ever since then my prayers doesn't take 2 days before I can see answers.

But let look at a the biblical proofs that says that adding Goals to ur prayers help prayers in mark 5:25-29;

“And there was a woman who had a flow of blood for 12 years and have much under many physicians, and spent all she had, and was no better but rather grew worse (prayers with no answer). She had heard the report of Jesus, and came up behind him in the crowd and touch his garment. (See what she did) for she said, ‘if I can touch his garments, I shall be made well.' (goals, she add a goal) and Immediately the hemorrhage ceased... (answered to prayers)"

See the benefit of adding goals to ur prayer.

The next is: