The global motto

Stereos writes2022/09/20 08:39

Do not follow the norms And just mover with the waves Learn to standout Be different

The Main deal

The focus of all, the holy grail

Or so the tale..

The new status quo

Leaving no room to really grow

Pure distraction, living in reaction

Going with the flow

"I wanna blow" the new motto

The mind hasn't.....

A terrible low

The pretty, wide, easy trail

Chasing easy bail

Bail.., perfect trail.., more like perfect myth

The course is the course

The trail is the trail

The journey is the journey

Quick, easy, free. Another motto

"Wish I could just win a lotto"

All these mottos

Just for notes of green

Everyone so mean

Chasing big bills, the big bucks

It just sucks...

Share - The global motto

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