Chapter 1 - TALES OF 'HE'

Gee Jay2024/01/27 12:41


He was none like the world had ever seen. Like a lone stranger passing through a street, the whole world felt like a leisure ground to him.

His name? His age?

How could that matter when he had lived a long life watching the whole world unfold. His name had been lost in time and those that knew him, knew him as 'He'.

'He' stood at the top of a cliff looking down, his eyes seemed to pierce into the depts of the sea below. The wind making his long black hair flutter, revealing a face. A face without blemish that not even time had an effect on.

Hundred kilometres behind him were thousands of people standing in fear, anticipation and dread. They cowered behind, some even shivering, not because of a cold but because of a fear that ate deep into their bones.

"Do not be afraid. Surely, I will deliver you in a moment" 'He' said in a low voice and yet, despite being hundred kilometres away from them, they all heard him.


As if in defiance, the sound of a mighty roar was heard. It was loud enough that it made it seem like the skies would be torn apart. The earth trembled once and over the horizon was something that looked like a black dot heading towards Him.

As it approached, it's size morphed, becoming something bigger, mightier and deadly. It flapped it's large bat-like wings and waggled it's tale that stretched for several metres.

Despite all this, 'He' stood calmly. 'He' lifted his head and looked at the creature heading towards him.

"My Rock and My salvation" He said and immediately, a large great sword with an uneven surface appeared in his hands.

Something about his demeanor shifted, the presence he radiated was like a burning sun. With a step, he broke the rules of time and displacement and suddenly appeared before the creature.

He swung the uneven great sword in his hand and the creature was divided in two with so much ease that it looked unreal. It fell from the sky like a spreading meteor and crashed into the sea.

The people behind looked in awe doubting what their eyes had just seen and like a whispering breeze, they heard his voice once more.

"I said and I did. Be free."