The salve girl

Chapter 2 - The slave girl part two

Anas jido2022/09/10 04:11




Mark’s POV

My suspicions were correct. Sakira was sneaking out. I had someone watching her and she was seen coming in around four in the morning. And today her secret will let loose.

Sakira’s POV

“You’ve been smiling to yourself since. I need to know what’s going on” Mary said.

“I’m fine” I smiled.

“Did Dave do something to you” she whispered.

“Shh. Don’t say that loud” I blushed as she mentioned Dave’s name.

“Ha, I knew it” she said. “So tell me what did he do” she asked.

“He kissed me” I blushed

“No way” she smiled “I knew he was hitting on you when I first saw the way he looked at you” she said.

“I’m leaving today” I said changing the topic.

“And I’m happy for you. Now I don’t want you worrying about me don’t worry I’ll be fine. I’ve been here even before you came” she said and I smiled at her.

We talked and laughed together. It got darker and I prepared my things. This is it my freedom awaits me.

Dave’s POV

Before it got dark I had to tell my dad everything because I’ll be leaving for Africa with Sakira and I don’t know if I’ll want to come back to London.

“Dad, there’s something I need to tell you” I said.

I was scared but I had planned this a long time ago.

“And what would that be son” he said not looking away from the book he was writing on.

“I….I..lied….I lied to you father” I said.

He stopped writing and he looked at me.

“I’ve been seeing someone and by someone I mean a girl at Mr Frank’s house” I said.

“What” he said as he stood upup from his chair.

“Father, she’s a good person. You have….”

I stopped talking when he slapped me.

“How many times did I warn you not to interfere with Mr Frank’s problems” he shouted.

“She’s not his problem. I love her and I’ll go all length to see she leaves that place” I said as I was about to walk out.

“Dave” he called and I stopped walking.

“If you step out from that door………then I don’t know you as my son” he said.

I could sense fear in him as he threatened me. I sighed and didn’t turn to face him.

“I’ll take that chance” I said as I walked away.

It hurts to leave my father in distress but circumstances had made it that way. I got to the play house, arranged all the documents and waited for Sakira.

Sakira’s POV

When it darkened, I sneaked out of the house. I hugged Mary before I left. Finally I’m leaving this God forsaken home. As I walked into the woods. I followed the pattern that Dave taught me. It felt like someone was following me. I turned round and saw no one. When I turned around to continue my journey, I jolted in fear as I saw a figure in front of me.

“Going somewhere” the figure said

I soon realize that the figure was Mark. He grabbed onto my hand and the bag with me fell to the floor.

“Let me go” I shouted.

There’s no way I’ll be going back to that hell.

“You’re going no where. You belong to me” he said.

“I belong to no one” I bit his hand and I pulled my hand away and began to run away.

I could feel mark’s presence getting closer. I was really scared and I I made a silent prayer. As I ran I tripped over something making me to fall. As I tried to get up Mark held me so I wouldn’t be able to move.

“Let me go” I groaned.

He carried me and successfully tied me to a tree.

“You’ll watch me as I kill your precious Dave” he laughed.

Dave’s POV

I waited for Kira and she hadn’t arrived yet and it got me worried. I had the papers all we need to do is to leave. It was almost one am and she had not arrived.

Then I knew something was wrong. I left the house to search for her.

“Kira!!!” I shouted.

She was in trouble. I ran into the woods to look for her.

“Kira!! Sakira!!!” I shouted.

Sakira’s POV

I heard Dave’s voice and I shouted.

“Dave!!!” I shouted.

Mark came and slapped me and covered my mouth to avoid me from shouting.

Dave’s POV

I heard her voice and followed the direction from where it came from.

“Kira!!” I shouted hoping to hear her voice again but I didn’t. I kept on running and suddenly I found her tied to a tree.

“Kira” I ran to her and removed the cloth from her mouth.

“Don’t worry I’ll get you out of this” I said but she was shaking her head and at that moment I fell on the floor and my head felt dizzy and welcomed pain. I groaned in pain as I tried to stand but was kicked on my stomach and I rolled on the floor.

“Dave” Kira shouted.

I felt weak but I have to be strong for Kira.

“You think you’re some prince charming uh?” Mark shouted. “You think you’re so special and different. I’m going to end you today” he said.

He lifted a wood to hit me but I rolled away missing it. I was still weak but I had to fight this or else both of us are going to die here. I got up and mark came to punch me. I didn’t fall but pain took over me. I became angry and I pushed Mark until he fell. I stayed on top of him and punched him continuously. He held my neck and pinned me to the floor. He was choking me.

“Yes die” he laughed.

I held his hand but it was no use. I noticed a club very close to me, I grabbed it and hit his head with it causing him to faint. I got up and coughed really hard. I untied Kira and she hugged me tightly. I held her hand and we left for the play house.


Sakira’s POV

We got to his play house and he locked his door.

“We’ll leave once it’s day break” he said with pain all over his face.

I could tell he wasn’t feeling fine after all that mark had done. I went closer to him and touched his body and he winced in pain.

“I’ll… fine” he said as he sat on the bed.

I took a bowl and put water in it and soaked a cloth in the water.

“Take off your shirt” I told him and he obeyed.

I squeezed the cloth and used it to clean all the blood stains on his body.

“I’m sorry” I said.

“For what” he asked.

“I’m the cause of all these that has happened to you” Isaid.

He lifted my face so I could look at him.

“I would risk anything for you” he smiled.

But I still fell sad.

“Kira, i don’t want you getting yourself worked up because of me. We would struggle together until we get back to your hometown” he said

He was going to come with me.

“You’re coming with me to my hometown?” I asked him

“I don’t have a choice, my father disowned me and besides why would I leave the person I love” he smiled.

I held his hand and tears came out from my eyes.

“I’m sorry” I cried.

He wrapped his hands around me and rested his chin on my head.

“I’m happier with you than anyone else” he said and I smiled.

Later I woke up and found him beside me on the bed. I stroked his hair and smiled and suddenly he held my hand and I gasped and he smiled. He pulled me and made me to be on top of him.

“I’m happy we can finally be with each other” he smiled

I struggled and tried to set myself free from his grip. But he held on tighter.

“Let me go” I said.

“Why? Aren’t you my wife” he said and I widened my eyes.

“My parents haven’t approved you yet” I said.

“They’ll fall in love with me the minute they see me” he smiled.

It was getting brighter. I got up from Dave and began to get the documents ready.




Mark’s POV

I woke up and found myself in the woods. Dirt covered my face and a sharp pain followed as I sat up. The memory came back and i remembered how Dave ran away with Sakira. My father must hear this.

“Where did you go?” My father asked as he collected the cup of tea Mary was giving him.

“Sakira has escaped” I said.

“What!!!” He shouted and I saw how Mary flinched in fear.

“And she left with Dave. He helped her, he made a fool out of you” I told him.

“Unbelievable” he said as he stood up. “We must act fast. Gather all the men and block the seaport. They won’t have gone far” he said and walked out.

Then I looked at Mary who refused to look at me.

“You” I said as I walked closer to her. “You had a hand in this didn’t you” I said but she didn’t reply. “Tell me!!!!” I shouted and slapped her.

She fell on the floor and looked at me.

I had nothing to do with this I swear” she said.

I sighed and walked out to join my father.

Sakira’s POV

We began to gather everything and prepared to leave the playhouse.

“You ready” Dave asked and I nodded.

As we were about to open the door we heard shuffling noises from the woods.

“Do you hear that?” He whispered and I nodded.

We retreated back into the play house and stayed low.

“Check the house”a voice said.

Dave held me close to him and we hid behind the door. The man struggled with the door but stopped.

“It’s locked” the other voice said.

“Break it down. We could get evidence from here” the other voice said.

My heart began to beat faster and I became really scared. Dave held my hand tight noticing my fear.

Dave’s POV

I grabbed a rod on the table and held Kira tight. I could sense fear in her and now wasn’t the time to panic, The man broke down the door and immediately I hit him with the rod causing him to fall on the floor. I held Kira’s and we ran outside the building. I could sense other men running after us. We ran as fast as we could not caring where we are headed. Kira fell and that slowed us down a bit. I raised her up and we continued running. We reach a point where we couldn’t run again. We were trapped.

“Oh no what do we do” Sakira panicked.

I turned around hearing footsteps, I saw the men i recognize as Mr Frank’s men.

“Seize them” the first man said smiling.

“No” I said as I held Kira’s hand.

Then one of them punched me and pulled Kira away from me.

“Dave” she shouted.

Two of the men pulled me up from the floor.

“Let me go” Kira struggled as they took her away from me. “Dave” she shouted.

“Kira!!! Kira!!” I shouted.

Sakira’s POV

Once again I was back at the place I tried to run away from. I was taken away from Dave and presently I’m kneeling in front of Mr Frank and circled by his men. Just then a body fell by my side and I turned to see Dave. I widened my eyes and went closer to him.

“Dave” I said holding his hand.

He cupped my face and looked into my eyes to see if I was okay.

Then the men separated me from Dave and Mr frank stood up and came closer to me and slapped me hard.

“Kira!!” Dave shouted.

“You tried to run away and you thought it would work out” he scoffed.

Then he turned to Dave.

“I didn’t think things would end up like this between us” he said and Dave glared at him.

“You will rot in hell” Dave said and he slapped him.

“You made this thing come between us” Mr Frank said referring to me.

“We had nothing together. I’ve never liked you” Dave said. “And we will never have anything together. People like you should be killed and throw your corpse to the animals. You deserve to be disrespected” Dave spat back at him.

Then Mr Frank held him forcefully on his chin.

“Don’t push me.” He said releasing him from his chin. “I’ll consider the fact, your father is a good friend of mine. Lock them up” Mr Frank said.

I tried to hold Dave but they pulled us apart and locked us in different cells. I never wanted things to turn out this way.




Sakira’s POV

I was inside the dark room and thought of nothing. I sat on the floor and began to cry. Everything has failed. I’m not going back home what do I do now. I lifted my knee to my chest and hugged it burying my face. There’s no hope anymore, I give up. I could die right now.

Dave’s POV

I was on the floor and buried my face on my arm. I looked up when I heard the door open. I was angry immediately when I sighted the person that came in.

“What do you want” I asked.

He kept his hand behind his back and lifted his head.

“I’ll give you a chance, leave that black dog and we’ll forget this all happened” Mark said.

I was mad at the statement he made and spat at his feet.

“To hell with you” I said and he frowned at me.

“You’re a big fool” he said. “You’ll regret this. You have made that thing to influence you” he said.

I stood up and pushed him and he fell on the floor.

“Sakira is not a dog and neither is she a thing” I said.

He stood up dusted his body and walked out. Immediately the door closed, I fell on the floor and sighed.

Sakira’s POV

We spent the day in the cell and now it was morning. A knock was made on the door.

“Sakira” a faint voice called and I walked closer to the door.

“Sakira it’s me Mary” the voice said and I sighed.

“Hello Mary” I greeted.

“Sakira, how are you?” She asked.

“I’m fine” I said.

“I’m sorry for all this” she said.

“I…I’m not sure anymore Mary” I cried.

“Sakira, I told you to always be strong. Don’t give up yet. We believe in you. You’ll make it out okay” she whispered.

“Okay” I cried and nodded.

“I’ll be leaving now” she said.

“Okay” I said and I could hear her footsteps fade away.

I didn’t want her to go. I was scared and I felt helpless. I fell on the floor and cried.

Stacy’s POV

“Sir, what do we do with the prisoners” the man said.

I was hearing the conversation my father was making with one of his men.

“It obvious that they would try to make another escape and we have to be careful or else they would expose us. So kill both of them. It’s for the best.” My father said and my eyes widened.

How could he do such a thing.

“When should the operation take place” the man asked.

“Very early tomorrow morning” he said.

I have to do something quick. I won’t let my father do something like this. I said as i left the passage.

I left for the prison without getting noticed by my brother or my father.

“Ma’am you shouldn’t be here” the guard said.

“I have something to say to the male prisoner” I cleared my throat.

My heart was beating because of fear but I couldn’t show it.

The guard seemed convinced and he let me into Dave’s cell.

He saw me and was shocked.

“What are you do…..” Icut him short.

“Shh. I don’t have time to waste” I whispered.“Here take these things and leave this night. My father is going to kill you tomorrow morning.” I said.

He looked at me with surprise.

“How…..” I cut him short again.

“Dave we don’t have time to waste. You should leave now.” I said and he nodded.

“How do we get rid of the guard” Dave asked.

“I have an idea” I said.

Dave’s POV

Stacy was on me and was pulling my hair and hitting me and slapping me.

“You this fool. What do you think you’re doing trying to hit a girl” she shouted enough for the guard to hear.

The guard came in and pulled her off me. The guard faced her and had his back facing me.

“Are you okay ma’am” he asked.

“I’m not fine at all” she said.

As they continued talking I picked up the stick I saw and hit his head with it and he fell flat on his face.

I looked at her and smiled.

“Thank you so much” I said and she nodded.

“Now hurry and get Sakira. You don’t have much time.” She said as we both left the cell.

I ran to Sakira’s cell and opened it. She saw me and wrapped her hand around me and I hugged her tighter.

“How did you……” she trailed when she saw Stacy.

She went to her and hugged her.

“Thank you” she said to her.

“Come on let’s go now” I held her hand and left the prison building.

We found our way out without getting caught thanks to Stacy.





Sakira’s POV

We camped at a spot in the woods when we became tired at least we were a distance away from Mr Frank’s house.

Dave took some palm leaves and created a place for us to sleep. He also made fire to warm us up. We laid down and I rested my head on his chest and we soon went to sleep.

Stacy’s POV

I knew my father had found out that they were gone and I kept myself away to avoid any questioning. I was scared.

Then suddenly my father came into my room and slapped me and I fell on the floor and I placed my hand on my cheek and stared into my fathers eyes.

“Why…..why did you do it?” He asked

“Do what?” I asked.

“Don’t give me that crap. The guard told me everything” he said.

My heart beat became loud and fear came in.

“I’m marrying you off to Gabriel.” He said as he wanted to walk away.

That’s the last thing I want, to be with Gabriel, he was my fathers friend. I’ve heard of the terrible things he had done to his previous wives.

I crawled to his leg and held it.

“Father please I beg you. I don’t want to get married to him.” I cried.

“You caused it upon yourself” he said as he pulled his leg and walked away.

I covered my mouth and cried really hard. I knew this was going to happen.

Dave’s POV

I got up when I began to hear faint voices from a distance. I woke Kira up and we had to be on the run again. Then we began to hear gun shots. Oh no this is bad. The gun shot continued and it sound was getting closer. I looked back and noticed the men were getting closer.

“Sakira run faster. They’re getting closer” I told her.

I could sight the river and that means we were getting closer to the shore. Just then a sharp pain passed through my leg and I fell.

“Dave!!!” Sakira yelled.

“Go now. Keep running” I said.

“No I’m not leaving without you” she said as she tried to help me up.

I yanked myself away from her and fell back to the floor.

“Just go!! Get into the canoe” I said.

I looked up and saw the men really close. I brought out the gun Stacy gave me and shot one on the stomach. I’ve never killed anyone before but it seems at this point, it is kill or be killed.

Sakira ran and with all my strength I stood up and began to leap to the canoe. I turned around and shot another man and he fell. I leaped fast and went into the water. The canoe had already left the shore. I leaped inside the water and Kira pulled me into the canoe. The remaining men came to the shore but it was too late for them we had already gone far. They kept on shooting but the bullet didn’t reach us. I sighed and fell my head on Kira’s laps.




Sakira’s POV

We were inside the canoe and Dave’s leg was bleeding causing him to be in pain. I was worried and I couldn’t think of what to do help him from his pain. We couldn’t go back to the seaport, knowing fully well Mr Frank will have men waiting for us there and at this point we don’t know where we are headed.

“I’ll take you to my house, so we can get your friend treated. From the looks, it is already infected” the canoe man said and I nodded.

“Thank you” I said.

Later we arrived at the man’s house. It wasn’t a big house but it looked comfortable. I kept Dave’s right arm over my shoulder and the canoe man did the same to his left. We supported Dave as he leapt into the house. A woman came and collected Dave’s hand from me and they laid him on the bed. I watched as the man got some instruments and in a few seconds Dave began to shout in pain and I heard a solid object sound inside the plate the man took. It was the bullet and it was covered with blood. The man treated the wound and covered it with band aid.

After a while the man left and I was left alone with Dave in the room. I sat on the chair beside the bed and looked at him. He wasn’t asleep but he was weak.

“I caused this” I said. “I’m the reason for this” I said.

Then I felt a hand on mine and I looked up at Dave.

“Kira. We will get through this together” he said weakly.

“But most of the pain goes to you” I said and he smiled.

“I’m to protect you and I guess I’m doing a pretty good job by taking all the pain.” He said.

Just then the canoe man came in with a bowl in his hand with a liquid in it. The man was a black man like me. He gave Dave the liquid to drink and that made him to sleep in a short time.

“What did you give him?” I asked

“It’s pain reliever” he said. “Come with me” he said and I followed him outside.

He looked at the sky and then at me.

“I can see you are being chased by some group of people” he said.

“Yes. It’s a long story.” I said.

“Did you escape something” he asked.

“Yes. Slavery, I escaped slavery and I want to return to my land” I said and he sighed.

“I can help you” he said

I looked at him with surprise.

“But we cannot pass through the main streets if you don’t want to be caught by the men after you” he said. “We will pass through the path of the woods” he said. “Then I’ll link you to the next city and you can take its own border” he said.

That was a very good idea. Then my thought went back to Dave.

“But what about Dave” I asked.

“He will be able to walk by tomorrow. The drink I gave him works really well at relieving pain.” He said.

“Thank you so much” I said. “What’s your name” I asked

“Charlie” he said. “We should be able to get to the next town in three days. So tomorrow we will leave” he said

Mr Frank’s POV

“You lost them!!!” I shouted angrily.

“We’re sorry sir” the one I put in charge apologized.

“I always have to do it myself” I said as I took my coat and my gun and went with the boys to find them and once I find them I won’t hesitate to waste them.




Sakira's POV

We got up early the next morning and began to move. We had nothing left. I abandoned all my clothes when we tried to run away from Mr Frank's men. All we had was just the documents to board the ship. Dave woke up and just like the man had said the pain had gone a little.

"Can you walk" I asked him.

He stood up from the bed and took a step. He was still leaping though.

"At least I can try" he looked at me and smiled.

"We have to leave now" Charlie said.

We all left the house and got into his canoe. The sun was not yet out and the weather was cold. I hugged myself to avoid getting cold. Then suddenly warm hand wrapped around me and moved closer to me. I smiled and rested on Dave's chest.

"You'll be fine" he said.

"Here, eat this. My wife made it" Charlie said.

I released myself from Dave's grip and took the warmer from Charlie. I opened it and the aroma of the food was amazing. I took the spoon and began to munch the food. I went closer to Dave so he could also get to eat.

"This is amazing" Dave said.

"Your wife is a good cook" I said and he smiled.

Finally, we reached the end of the river and we got out.

"Our real journey begins here" Charlie said.

We entered into the forest and began walking. We began to walk and I know this is going to take a long time before we arrive at the next town. I hope we don't encounter Mr Frank.

Mr Frank's POV

"We can't all go together. We split. You" I pointed at one of them. "Take five men with you and wait at the seaport. If you see them, kill them. The rest of you follow me, we are going into the woods" I said.

She is the first slave that has ever tried to escape from me and that will cause a lot of problems for me. If anyone finds out that I got her illegally, that would make me go to jail and I cannot afford to go to jail.

Sakira's POV

We kept on walking and the day brightened and silence passed through us. The hot sun was piercing through the trees and I got tired. I gave a frustrated sigh and that made Dave look at me with a worried face.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I smiled.

He held my hand and we both walked together. We had covered a distance but still nothing close to the next town.

Night came and we had to camp. Charlie had already packed up tents for us knowing fully well we would spend the night in the woods.

"we would camp here" Charlie said after finding a suitable place to build the tents.

Dave helped him with the tents. I knew his leg wasn't fully healed and I tried to help but he didn't allow me to intervene.

Mr Frank's POV

We came across a small village very close to the river and we rallied round it.

"They should have come here. This is the closest village to the woods" one of my Man said.

"Check them all. Scatter the house. Check for any evidence. Threaten them and if anyone resists.......kill them" I said as he nodded and left with the other men. And slowly I trailed behind them.

People began to scream, houses were on fire, I could hear the criesof babies but that didn't bother me. I have to get Sakira and kill her before she makes more attempts to destroy me. She is one of the smartest blacks that I have ever seen. Sometimes this people should not be underestimated, I never thought she would do anything like this.

"What do you want" the woman said fidgeting.

I was told she was the wife of the head of the village.

"Where is your husband" I asked.

I noticed the husband wasn't here and so instead they brought the wife. I made to kneel in front of me as I began to interrogate her. She turned her face away from me like she was hiding something. I dimmed my eyes waiting for her to talk.

"He.....he went out" she said and I slapped her.

"Mama" a boy scream and ran to her. "Don't you hit my mama. You cowards" he said angrily and I smiled.

"Take him" I said as my men rallied round the boy and held him by his hands.

"No let me go" he struggled.

"Please don't hurt him." The woman cried.

"Then tell me where the two people that came here went" I shouted.

"They.....they went through the east woods" she cried and I smiled.

I nodded to my men and they threw the boy to the floor. Then she ran to her son and I turned to leave with my men.

"Kill them all and don't leave a soul out" I said as I walked away. And the last thing i could hear was scream and wailing of people.

Sakira's POV

I jolted up from sleep.Sweat on my fore head and my back and I was panting. Slowly Dave woke up from my side and looked at me with worry.

"Bad dream" he said and I nodded.

Then he turned to dace me and he hugged me.

"I promise you, Kira all is going to be fine. We'll get through all this......together." he said and I buried my face on his plain chest.

"I'm scared" I muttered.

Then he hugged me tighter.

"Don't be. No one will take you away from me" he said.



Mr Frank’s POV

I stepped on ashes from burnt wood. I picked it up to feel the texture and it was still warm. That means they have not gotten too far. I smiled to myself.

“We’re close to them” I said as I kept on walking really fast with my men.

Sakira’s POV

We had already left the camping spot and we continued our journey. I walked beside Charlie having Dave at our back.

“So Charlie do you have children” I asked him.

“Yes two wonderful children. The best gift God can ever give” he smiled.

Then Dave came in front of us.

“We have to walk fast. Let’s save the chat for later.” He said as we increase our pace.

Then for some reason, I turned back and I could see some people from a distance and my heart beats increased. They’ve found us.

“Dave we are being followed” I said.

They turned around and saw them. Dave’s eyes widened and held my hand.

“Run” Charlie shouted.

We began to run and also the men behind us. Gun shots were made and we bent to avoid the bullet from meeting us.

At some point I would fall and Dave would come back to support me.

We began to run and run and finally came to a halt to catch our breathe.

I looked back and I sighed when I saw the men were no longer there.

“I think we’ve lost them” Dave said.

Suddenly, a man came out from one side of the woods. We straightened ourselves to make a run for it through the other side and just then some other men popped out and we were surrounded. I heard claps from in between two men and out of them came the person I feared the most. Mr Frank.

“Wow, I must say, I’m surprised and impressed on how you’ve gotten this far. I didn’t expect this much from you….Sakira” he smiled and suddenly the smile faltered “this ends now. One thing remains for sure, is that you can never run away from me” he said and my heart beat increased. It couldn’t stop beating fast.

“Take her” he said.

“No leave me alone” I struggled.

Then two hefty men came closer to me and tried to lift me. Then suddenly, Dave picked up a fight and hit the man to the ground and collected his gun.

“Leave her alone” he said angrily pointing the gun at them.

Then one of them wrapped his hand around my neck and pointed a gun on my head.

“If you don’t drop the gun, I’ll shoot her” he said.

I was so scared, I couldn’t think and I was covered with the fear of getting killed. Slowly Dave dropped the gun and the men went round him,punching and kicking him.

“I’m going to make your death slow and painful” Mr Frank whispered in my ear.

I summoned courage and I spat on him face. With disgust he wiped it off and told the man holding me to tie me, Dave and Charlie on the tree.

After they succeeded in tieing us to the tree, Mr Frank came to us smiling and stopped in front of Charlie.

“You must be the head of that village of yours” he said and Charlie looked at him with hatred.

“What have you done to my village” Charlie said angrily and Mr Frank smiled.

“No….you didn’t… B-----D!!!! YOU DEMON!!!! The heavens will surely punish you for this. You will pay for this” Charlie shouted as Mr Frank walked away.

“My family” Charlie cried.

I couldn’t say anything at all. Everything was gone. Mr Frank killed his family. He would pay for this. I’m not ready to give up. I’m going to fight this till the end. I looked at Dave who was filled with wounds and sores. I felt so sad seeing him in this mess.





Dave’s POV

It was already dark. Mr Frank and his men camped at the other end of the forest.

I wasn’t feeling good at all but I have to keep myself up in order for everyone of us to survive. A brilliant plan came to my head when I realized I still had the knife Stacy gave me. I never thought it would come in handy. The problem was how I was going to reach it.

“Dave” Charlie called. “If I don’t make it, just make sure you keep going east till you see some villages. From there, they would give you directions to the next town” he said.

I know he was feeling really bad about his family and he has already given up.

“No don’t say that. We are all going to make it” I said.

“What I’m I supposed to do now when my family’s gone” he cried.

I sighed and continued trying to get my knife. I wasn’t ready to give up. I tried to reach it and finally I got it and cut my rope. Kira widened her eyes when she saw I was free. I went to her tree to cut her loose.

“You’ll be fine” I said as I cut the rope.

I went to Charlie’s and cut it also and then we were on the run once again.

“They’ve escaped” I heard a voice shout.

We increased our speed and ran faster and just then I heard a gunshot and it passed through someone. I widened my eyes in horror as I saw Charlie falling slowly to the ground.

“Charlie no!!!!” I shouted as I ran to support him.

I held him close to me, his body had become cold. Then he smiled and gave his last breath.

“Charlie” I cried and so did Kira..

I stood up in anger, held my gun and went to the direction the men were coming from.

“No Dave. What are you doing” Kira said as she held my arm stopping me.

“Kira we can’t keep on running forever. It is kill or be killed.” I took her to a small cave. “Stay here and wait for me……..I’ll be back…..I promise” I said.

As I was about to leave she held my hand and not wanting to let go. I saw tears in her eyes and i turned to her and hugged her. Then I left immediately to face those men.

Sakira’s POV

I was scared and I was not ready to loose Dave just like we lost Charlie. I was hearing gun shots and they scared me. I feared the fact that Dave may not be able to finish them all. I wish I was there to help. Suddenly the gun shots stopped and there we’re no more noises.

I came out of the cave and turned to the direction where Dave went and just then I heard a click sound from behind me. I paused in my steps and turned around to see Mr Frank and I widened my eyes in fear. My heart was beating rapidly. He had already unlocked one bullet and any slight moves from his fingers will sent me to my early grave. Then in swift movement he had my neck locked around his arm and aimed the gun at a different direction.

“Drop the gun” he said to Dave.

I felt relieved when I saw Dave he made it but he looked really injured.He widened his eyes when he saw me wrapped around Mr Frank and slowly he set the gun to the floor.

I had to think of something. Suddenly I bit his arm and he groaned in pain releasing me from his grip. Then he pointed the gun to shoot me but Dave jumped on him making him shoot the bullet somewhere else.

Dave’s POV

Mr Frank was quite strong. He hit me with the gun causing me to get off him and groan in pain. He triggered another bullet but before he could shoot, I got up and kicked the gun off his hand and then pointed my gun at him and he froze.

“It’s over now” I said.

“I guess it is” he smiled and in swift movement he brought out another gun and shot me.


Sakira’s POV

I felt numb as I watched Dave fall to the floor. It was a like a big rock was just thrown on me. I’ve lost him. The only one that kept me strong, the person I hoped to marry, I’ve lost him. I squated beside him slowly and and touched him.

“Dave?” I cried. “Please come back” I cried.

“Guess it’s only you left” Mr Frank said.

I was filled with anger and hatred. Adrenaline pumped through me as I picked up Dave’s gun and pointed it at Mr Frank.

“Go to hell” I said angrily and before he could take any action,I shot him. I kept on shooting him until I had no more bullets in the gun.

I fell on the ground beside Dave and cried my heart out. This was what I was afraid of, I didn’t want to loose Dave. He was my everything. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me and I saw two men standing. I got up to confront them. It was dark and I couldn’t see their faces clearly.

“Who are you?” I asked and they didn’t reply. “What do you want?” I said angrily.

“We want to help you” one of them said and I was shocked hearing them say that.

“We can still save him” the other one said looking at Dave.

“You can?” I asked desperately.

“We’ll take you to our village” one said.


We arrived shortly at a small village. Dave was carried with the help of the men. There were whites in the village. A woman with blonde hair wearing a blue and white checkered gown came to us.

“It an emergency” one of the men said.

“Okay, take him to the vacant room. I’ll be there shortly” she said as she walked away.

They settled Dave on a small flat matrass inside a tent. He was still unconscious, I didn’t even know if he was alive or dead.

Then the lady I saw earlier came in with three other whites.

“Hey I’m Daisy. And I would love you to excuse us for now so we can perform on your friend here” she said.

I stood up and held her hand.

“Please save him” I cried.

She tightened my grip on her hand.

“I’ll try my best”she said.

I left the tent and sat outside looking at the clouds. Then someone approached me.

“Hello” the person said.

I turned to look at the person and I smiled

“Hey” I replied.

“He’ll live” she said as she sat beside me. “So don’t get yourself worked up. These people are professionals. My father had a disease that threatened his life seriously and they saved him. I believe in them and I want you to do the same.” She said.

She was black like me, had her puffy hair packed down. I held her hand and smiled

“Thank you” I said and she smiled.

Shortly after she left Daisy came to me.

“How is he?” I asked impatiently and she smiled.

“He’ll be fine. But he’ll be unconscious for a few days. He is really lucky the bullet didn’t hit any vital organ. He’s a really lucky one.” She said.

U couldn’t express my happiness and I hugged her.

“Thank you. Thank you so much” I cried.

“You’re welcome” she hugged me back.

I was so happy that Dave will be okay. I couldn’t imagine life without him. I really thank God everything will be fine again.





Sakira’s POV

It was the third day at the new village. Dave hasn’t woken up yet but he was breathing and that alone gave me peace. We were taken care of in the village. Given new clothes to wear and all our injuries were treated.

“So tell me what happened exactly” Tajo asked.

Tajo was the one that helped me with the other in the forest the time Dave was shot.

“I escaped slavery and the man that got me illegally wanted my life and threatened everything around me. He even killed someone very important to me and now he almost tried to kill my…..” he cut me short

“Friend?” He smiled.

“Actually I’m hoping we could be more than just friends” I smiled to myself.

Then silence passed between us.

“I can help you get to the next town” he said.

I looked at him with shock

“Really?” I asked him

“Yes I can” he looked at me and smiled.

“Thank you so much” I smiled.

“He’s awake!!!” Someone shouted

I turned and I hoped that it was Dave that was awake. Daisy ran into Dave’s tent and then Tajo and I followed.

When we got in, I froze,I couldn’t consider whether I should jump or scream in happiness. Right before my eyes Dave was sitting on the matrass. I smiled in happiness. He is awake. Daisy checked his pulse and his blood pressure and everything was stable.

Soon Daisy left me and Dave alone in the tent.

“Are you just going to stand there” he smiled.

I didn’t even realize I was still standing. I missed his voice. I walked slowly and sat beside him on the bed. I poked his nose to see if everything wasn’t a dream.

“You’re here” I said as tears came out from my eyes.

He cupped my face and smiled

“I promised you, that we will get through this together.” He said.

I wrapped my hand around him and cried more.

“Easy there now. I’m still recovering” he said.

“I’m so happy you didn’t leave me” I said.

Later, I got food for Dave and he ate like there was no tomorrow. His face looked pale and he had eye bags under his eyes. He was given new clothes and he cleaned himself. His stomach was wrapped with bandage from where the treatment took place. I didn’t want to bother him about leaving. Since Mr Frank is dead, there is no reason to get worried.


It was dark and I was now with Dave on the matrass.

“It amazes me how your hair is so curly and wooly” Dave said as he stroked my hair.

“I also find it strange how your hair is so silky” I said as I took a strand of his hair.

Then he held my hand and looked into my eyes. I could understand those eyes. He pulled me closer to him and locked the space between us.

“I missed you” he said and I smiled.

“I missed you more” I said.

He moved his face closer to mine and pressed his lips softly on mine. Then he pulled away.

“Kira, what I’m about to say isn’t the best way to say it nor this is the right place to ask you but I can’t keep it in anymore.” he said as he stroked my face.

“What is it?” I asked worriedly.

“I want to marry you. Kira would you be my wife.” He asked.


Dave’s POV

It was so boring lying here all day. Kira spent the night with me and she accepted my proposal to marry her. I was so happy when she accepted my proposal. All that is left is just to see her parents.

It was so boring I got up from the mattress and went outside. I wasn’t fully healed, so I could still feel pain in my stomach.

I came out of the tent and saw Kira sweeping the compound.

“Kira what are you doing?” Iasked

“Sweeping” she smiled.

“We should continue our journey” I said.

“No!……” she said and I was shocked at her statement

“Why not?” I asked

“Dave look at you, you have not fully recovered. We can’t go anywhere until you are completely okay” she said

“I’m bored” I said.

“You’ll find something interesting to do” she smiled.

The weather was hot and the sun was shining really hard. I unbuttoned my floral shirt exposing my banded stomach.

“Mr Dave, you are supposed to be in bed” Daisy said.

“I got bored just lying down there all day” I said and she smiled. “Actually, if you don’t mind I would like to continue from where I stopped” I said and she gasped

“No Mr Dave, you can’t do any travelling now. You are not fully healed” she said and I sighed. “Now go back and relax” she said as she left.

Kira walked up to me and smiled.

“Just be a little patient. Tajo has promised to help us to get to the next town” she said.

“Who’s Tajo” i asked.

“He as the one that helped us at the forest” she said.

Then the thought of Mr Frank came to my mind.

“What happened to Frank” I asked.

Immediately I asked Kira turned away.

“I….I….I…..killed him”she stammered.

And I widened my eyes. I really didn’t think she would be able to take the risk.

“You did good” I said.

I knew she was scared and didn’t want to talk about it.

She turned to face me and I hugged her.


I was inside the tent when I felt a presence inside with me. I opened my eyes to see a huge looking black man standing in front if me.

“who are you?” I asked

“I am Tajo” he said.

“Oh you are the Tajo guy” I scoffed.

“I am going to take you to the next town” he said.

“That’ll be great thanks” I smiled.

It was a relief I’ll be leaving here soon






Sakira’s POV

Finally, we were leaving the village we had arrived at. I was so happy that I would be returning back home. Dave was okay but not still fully healed. We bid our farewell to the people of the village, got to the shore and entered the canoe with the help of Tajo. He paddled and took us to the seaport of the town.

In few hours, we arrived at the seaport.

“Thank you so much for everything” Dave thanked Tajo.

“You’re welcome. It was nice knowing you” he smiled.

I smiled and gave a little bow.

“I guess I should be on my way” he said.

He left the seaport and headed back to the village. Dave held my hand and looked at me and we made our way to the ship.

“This is it, our final destination” I smiled.

“No not yet. We haven’t arrived at your country yet have we” Dave teased.

Dave gave our documents and we were allowed to board the ship. After a while the ship left the shore and began to move.

I felt within me a happiness that cannot be expressed. I felt the freedom that I awaited for quite a while.

“It’s strange not finding you about to puke now” a voice said and I turned to see Dave.

I smiled remembering the first time we met. He came closer to me and held my hand.

“We did it kira, we finally made it……together” he said and I smiled.

After a few days we arrived at Nigeria and we transported ourselves back to my village. We actually did not come with anything.

In my village when you go somewhere more advanced than our place, they expect you to bring something from that place. But in my case, I came back with nothing because life there was not as rosy as it seems.

Each step we took, people looked at us with surprise. They were mostly surprised about Dave and not me because he is a white man. We reached my village and those who recognized me ran to me.

“Sakira!!!!!!” Gbenga shouted and hugged me.

“Oti yato” he spoke to me in my language. “Ha ha kilo wa sele? Oti e pe wa” he asked

“Gbenga, aye o da” I shook my head.

Then I heard a slight cough and I turned to Dave.

“If you don’t mind I would like to know what you guys are talking about” he said slightly feeling left out.

“Sorry” I smiled. “Dave this is Gbenga, my childhood friend.”

“Eh Gbenga, Oko mi re” I said.

“Eh!!!! Oko eh? Iro Ni” he laughed

“What did you tell him” Dave whispered.

“I told him, you are my husband” I said.

“Oh and he finds it funny” he said looking irritated and I smiled.

We left Gbenga and headed to my house. As soon as we arrived, I stopped in my track and found myself not moving.

Dave’s POV

We stopped at a particular building. The body was built with clay and the roof was made with hay. Everything about them was different from me. In London, houses are made with furnished and treated wood. Everything here was not developed.

“Are we there?” I asked her and she nodded. “Then let’s go in” I said as I held her hand.

Before we took another step,someone came out of the house, noticed Kira and dropped the clay pot on her and and it broke.

She was like an older version of Kira, she must be her mother. I let go of Kira’s hand as the woman ran to embrace her. She cried and so did kira. Then she shouted and some other people came out from the house and ran to hug Kira. I smiled at all of them and felt a little sad when I remembered my father. The they all spoke in their language and it felt so annoying when I couldn’t get a thing they were all saying.

After a while of this embracing and crying, they finally acknowledged my presence. At least now they notice me.

Sakira’s POV

My mother apologized and so did my father. They told me they saw my letters which was through the help of Dave. I told them all that happened and how Dave saved my life. Then they looked at him.

“Hi” he waved and I smiled.

I was amazed at his lack of understanding to our tradition.

“You collected a bullet for my daughter?” My father asked in his Yoruba accent.

“Well…I guess”he smiled.

“Thank you” my father said as he held his hand.

“You’re welcome” Dave smiled

“You are welcome to our land. We are Yoruba and you must be londonian” my father said and Dave gave a short laugh.

“Actually, I’m from London and not a londonian. I’m British” he said.

“Oh good. I tank God you are nothing like Mr Frank.” My father said.

Later in the evening we all jollied and celebrated my return. Dave did some dances and that made my family to laugh.

It’s good to be back.



Sakira’s POV

I taught Dave a few thing about my culture and tradition.

“So when you want to greet. You prostrate” I said.

“Do I really need to do that?” He asked

“Yes if you want to win their heart” I said.

We had not told my parents about Dave’s proposal and I’m trying to fix him up so my parents can like him. Because if they don’t, I can’t marry him.

“Now you will have to follow my dad to the stream everyday and help him to fish” i said

“That’s not too bad” he said.

Suddenly my sister came in to the room. I did not have a big room. In fact I had to give my room to Dave to sleep and I had to sleep in the living room. There was one thing we had that really disturbed Dave. Mosquitoes. At every single minute he was always scratching himself.

“Mami sope kin fu yi” she said as I collected the clothes from her.

“Here wear this” I said as I gave Dave the clothes.

It was my father’s clothe. We do not have clothes like the ones they have in London.

“This is more like an oversized singletDave said. “It’s baggy and it is not covered. I’ll be more attracted to the mosquitoes” he complained.

I went out of the room and got him a wrapper.

“Here cover yourself with this. Dave this is Nigeria and not London. Everything is not as developed as your own country” I said.

“I noticed” he said and I smiled. “How come you speak better English” he asked.

“I read and I lived in London for months.” I said stating the obvious.

“Sleep well” I said as I was about to leave.

“Stay with me” he pleaded.

“My father will kill you for having his daughter around you in a room alone.” I said and he laughed.

“Okay then goodnight” he said and I left.

We didn’t use beds like the whites did, instead we slept on mats. Things were different and Dave did not get used to the life of my village.


Dave’s POV

There’s something I can do do help this village. I can move this village further and make it more advanced. Ha I know what to do.

The next morning I woke up and met the others awake.They all stared at me and smiled.

“Good morning Dave” the man greeted.

And just then I remembered Kira’s teaching. Immediately I went straight to the floor and prostrated. They all looked surprised and kira smiled.

“Good….. No….eka ro” I greeted.

I know I didn’t pronounce it well bilut come on I tried.

They all laughed and were amazed at what I just did.

“Wow I’m impressed” the mother said and I smiled.

“Come, join us and eat” the man said.

There I sat with a family of eight and ate only God knows what. But it tasted good.

“Hmm, what is the name of the food” I asked

“This is pounded yam and ewedu” Kira said.

I have no idea what the food is but the stew was slippery and we ate with our hands.

Later after the food, the father was off to the stream.

“I’m going to fish, would you want to join me?” He asked

“Uh no” I said. “Maybe next time” I smiled.

“Okay” he said looking disappointed.

When he left I went inside to organized myself. I took off the oversized clothe kira called agbada.And remained shirtless with just the short. I have no idea how I will have my bath.

“You didn’t go with my father?” Kira asked with surprise.

“No, I have plans” I said.

“Why aren’t you wearing the cloth I gave you” she asked.

“It’s too big and heavy” I said. “Beside, how do i even have my bath” I asked.

“I’ll take you to a stream” she said.

“You have got to be kidding me” I said.


Finally, I had my bath after going through tons of embarrassment. For God’s sake, I had to take my bath in the open. Where there are no doors. No restrictions. Anything can pop out and meet you there. Kira left me alone in the stream and I had to find my way back to the house. This was not what I hoped it would look like. But thing will change soon.

I got back and change into another round of oversized and heavy clothing. Even kira wore something like a wrapper and an oversized blouse.

I went outside to begin what I had thought about.

“Kira, can I use your friend and some other guys for something” I asked her.

“Is it Gbenga” she asked

“Yes” I said. If that’s his name.

She got me the guy and five other guys. I had to speak gently or else I would be wasting my time.

“Now I see you guys have good bamboo sticks. I need you guys to follow me so we can get lots of bamboo sticks” I said.

Fortunately, they understood and we got a lot of bamboo sticks.






Sakira’s POV

I had no idea what Dave was up to but he had been busy since morning. I made them akara(beans cake) so they could have something in them.

“Have this” I said and dropped the plate on a small wooden table.

“Thanks” he said as he planted a kiss on my cheek.

Hr took a bite and continued what he was doing.

Dave’s POV

We had gotten the amount of bamboo sticks that we need for now. I and the boys cut the sticks and smoothen them into plywood. After that, I made the structure of a bed and designed it. They watched me in amazement and were surprised at what I was doing.

Finally, I made a bed. It took me the whole day to make just a single bed alone and of course very tiring. With the help of the boys I took the bes structure into the house and placed it in the room of Sakira’s parents.When she saw what I had done she left her mouth ajar.

“You made this” she asked

“I couldn’t watch your parents sleep on the floor again” I said.

“I can’t believe it” she said.

I took the mattress and laid it on the bed structure and it became a normal bed.

“It looks like the real ones I slept on in London” she said. “How did you do it” she asked.

“Well, considering the fact I studied architecture. Let’s just say I did some calculations, measurements and it worked.” He smiled.

“I love this” she said as she stroked the bed.

“All that is left, if for your parents, to see it” he said.


“Did you make this” the man said looking surprised.

“Yes I did sir” I smiled.

“Impossible” he said. “You made this.”

“I did sir” I said.

“This is amazing. Nobody, in the history of my life has ever thought of doing something like this before” he said.

“Well, change is constant” I said.

“Thank you so much” he said.

Kira’s mother looked at me with surprised and so did the other children. They sat on the bed and felt really comfortable.

“Now you don’t have to sleep on the floor again” I said.

I was going to change this family. I was going to upgrade them.I am going yo make them fall in love with me.

The next day, I got busy again. This time I was going to make windows and doors for the house. I got the boys and we fetched more bamboo sticks. I did most of the measurement but they helped with the cutting and smoothening.

During the process of working I decided to take a break.

I walked through the roads of the village and studied new things. Then something caught my attention. I saw my father.

He came towards me with all his men, he had come for me.

“David” he called.

I was still angry about the fact that he disowned me but I was ready to forgive him.

“What are you doing here” I asked.

“I’ve come to take you home” he said.

“This is home” I said. “I like here and I’m not going anywhere” I said.

“I’m sorry” he said and I was shocked. “I’m sorry for doing what I did. I was scared of loosing you but I noticed that I’ve lost you more than anything” he said. “I never felt myself after that day. I searched for you but I never found you. I’m sorry son. Please forgive me” he said.

“I forgive you father” I said as I hugged him.

“Let’s go home” he said.

“No I can’t, I like here and I want to remain here” I said.

“Look at this place, i’s filthy and so undeveloped” he said.

“That’s why I’m going to change it” I said. “I’m going to make it look developed. This is what I want father. To express myself. The gift inside of me and finally, I have the chance to show it. So please let me stay” I said.

“Okay. If that’s what you want.” He sighed and smiled.

“By the way, I’m getting married soon” I said and he widened his eyes

“To that girl of your?” He asked and I nodded. “Well good for you. I hope she gives you what you want” he said.

“Thank you father” I said.

Later he returned back to London. I went back to continue what I had started. I finished the doors and windows. If only I could paint them. But unfortunately, no paints.

I fixed the doors and windows in the various measured positions. At least there would be no more mosquitoes. I made the bed wood for Sakira and also for myself and also for her siblings. I fix them all in the various rooms and I smiled at my good work.

With the help of the boys, I redesigned the chairs in the living room and made it more comfortable. They had electricity but it was once in a lifetime.I wish I could do something about it but it seems not.

I thanked the boys and gave then some things from what my father had given me. I went back to my normal English wear and not some traditional dressing again. At last.

When they all returned and saw the amazing wonders I had done again. They were all taken back by surprise and they looked at me like I am some angel that has descended to bless them.

“You are wonderful” the father praised and blessed me.

“We can’t let you go like this. We have to give you something big in return” the mother said.

Finally the moment I have been waiting for.

“What do you want my son” the man asked.

“I want to marry your daughter” I said.


final episode

Sakira’s POV

We were all surprised by the amazing wonders Dave had done.

The first surprise was from outside he had made a door. We opened it and the then the chairs in the living room had changed. They were looking more neat and well designed. I looked around and saw more doors, then windows and then more windows. No this was too much.

“What do you want my son” my father asked.

“I want to marry your daughter” he said.

He did all this just to marry me?This was more than the bride price alone.

Then it dawned on me and I remembered the statement I made before I left for London. I told myself, I will not only got to London but I will learn their ways and bring it back. That I will bring back their wisdom and technologies and use it here. And I did it. I brought all i said and everything was right here in person. Dave had the ways and the wisdom and he performed it here.

“Is that what you want” my father asked and he nodded. “Then so be it. You can have my daughter as your wife.” He smiled.

I was so happy that I hugged my father. This was the best thing in my life.


“I told you they’ll fall for me” Dave said.

It was evening and I was outside the house with Dave.

“You didn’t have to do all this” I said.

“Oh I’ve just begun. I’m still going to build a house.” He smiled.

“Thank you” I said.

“For what” he asked.

“For everything. You don’t know how much you have made my parents happy” I said.

“That’s what a responsible son in law should do” he smiled. “Come here”.

He wrapped me around his arm and I rested my head on his chest and we both stared at the stars.

Three weeks later.

Finally, the day I have long for has arrived. I am finally getting married to Dave.

My father invited a lot of people and my wedding was going to be a bliss.

The king of my village allowed us to use is compound for the ceremony.

The engagement was done and the ceremony took place. Talking drums gave the beats and Dave and I danced our hearts out. We were dressed in my traditional attire. I wore a white bube and a wine aso-oke and Dave wore a wine agbada with a wine sokoto and a wine fila. He looked almost like us but only different in skin colour. I felt fulfilled, unique and different because I was the first girl in my village to achieve something like this.

Even during the times of difficulties, when everything around me told me to give up, I refused and I continued my journey and now I have reached my final destination. And I know that from now on everything around me is going to be different, new styles, new language and there will be big changes for me, my family and my village.

The End.