Once upon a time, a great monk was on a deathbed, he said to his successor," a young mom remember one thing never allow a cat in your life" and he died a big crowd had gathered to listen to the last statement of this great monk everyone was surprised to listen to his last words the successor was also very surprised he was thinking why should i law a cat in my life anyways they cremated their master with all the rituals but the successor monk was still thinking about the last statement of his master there was also an old monk in the monastery the old monk was with his master for last many years and had seen life of his master very closely but he could not be chosen successor of his master because he was very old and was about to die anytime seeing the young monk lost in thoughts he came to him and asked him the reason of his concern the young monk told him the reason of his concern the old monk said my dear friend you don't know there is a long story behind it then he narrated the whole story to the young monk the story was when their master renounced his wife children and his home and went into the jungle he lived near a small village he used to go to the village to beg for food and the villagers were also happy that they had a monk of their own so they made a small bamboo cottage for him the monk used to have only two clothes to wear but a trouble around when some rats came into the house and they started chewing on the clothes the monk was in great difficulty he had only two clothes and soon they would be torn to pieces so he asked the villagers what to do the villager said why don't you keep a cat it will keep the rats away it was the perfect solution so monk agreed and the villagers gave him a cat and the cat kept the rats away from his cottage but now the problem was that he had to feed the cat so he had to go to village several times to beg for some milk for the cat he again asked the villagers for its solution the villager said this is a small village the best thing to do is that you keep a cow we can give you a good cow and in that way you will become very independent you can have enough milk for yourself and for your cat also it look try to monk so a beautiful cow was brought in, now the problem was that the cow needed grass and also someone to look after it. so every day, the monk had to go to the village to beg for the grass, people said this does not look right a great monk asking for grass. the monk said but what to do how will i feed my cow and my cat. the villager said," we have a simple solution one woman in our village has become a widow her husband has died and she has nobody so if we persuade her then she will be really happy to serve a monk like you and then you don't have to come every day to ask for grass we will also clear some ground by the side of your heart so that she can grow grass and some other crops there and she will take care of you in sickness or in illness ".the idea was right monk did not find anything wrong in it the villagers persuade the woman she was alone and the monk was young so she immediately agreed, she started taking care of monk's cottage cow and cat and started growing crops near heart when the monk saw the woman working tirelessly for him. he also started helping her in her work they started to grow crops together in the field slowly and slowly the things started to grow and they fell in love with each other the woman was very beautiful the monk was young they were living in one cottage what more was needed after some time the woman got pregnant and a child came in their life and then one day the monk thought what's that i had left behind my family i have renounced the word and this is the whole word again it grew so slowly that i was not aware until the child came now just because of the cat the whole world came in then the old monk said he told you remember not to keep a cat in your life here the meaning of the cat was that never give your mind so much leverage that slowly and slowly it starts dominating you and you don't even know [Music] if we see in our lives then we will find that often we allow our mind to do something which we know is not good we think that we will do it only once and not repeat it but once you give a little leverage to your mind it starts taking more leverage from you and you will not even realize how you will become addicted to some bad habit like that monk who had renounced the word but in order to save his two clothes from rats he kept a cat and then to feed a cat he kept a cow to look after cow he kept a woman and then fell in relationship with her and again became householder similarly we know that taking drugs for intoxication is bad but still some people take drugs just to feel its fact for first time but after that they start doing it again and again and then slowly and slowly they become drugs addicted for another instance we know that eating junk food is not good for our health but still we give it a try and then slowly and slowly we start eating it too often therefore never keep a cat of giving leverage to your mind because once you keep this cat then this will take your life toward destruction and you will not even know this you
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