Nina's P.O.V
"Hey Nina, are u still sleeping" I heard my little sis shouting at the door, that little devil is always a pain in my ass
I am Nina Adams, I am the first born of my family, 22 years, I have a little sis called Daisy, she is my best friend and also my best enemy, you know why it's because she is a pain in my ass, the only stubborn girl in our family, some people do say she took after me but am not sure if it true
We are not rich nor poor, my dad is a business man and he is doing really good at what he knows
I sluggishly get up from bed and walk to the door then open it
"Why are you just waking up" she yelled as if she was my mothe
"Hey little devil, why did you come to wake me up" I said to her standing Akimbo (my two hands on my waist)
"Well mom told me to call you, she said you should come downstairs" she replied
"Well i will be there soon, so can you leave now" I said slamming the door at her face and went back to my bed
Soon I walk downstairs still in my night gown yawning
"Good morning Mom" I said pecking her cheeks, my mom was my love and my everything, she is a full house wife.... dad want it that way
"Why are you just waking up, it's unusual of you" she said while I sat beside her
"Nothing, since I have no where to go, I think I should just rest" I replied her
"And where is dad" I asked
"As usual, he went for a business contract, you ought to know he is a workaholic" mum said and I nodded in agreement
"Mom am hungry" my little devil yelled from upstairs.... always a foodie
"Relax darling, the food will be done in some minute" mum said to her while we continue gisting
??Authoress P.O.V
Mr Adams (Nana's dad) was seen discussing with a young man in his office
"So as I was saying if you could I invest a lot of money into this business It's gonna yield a lot of interest" a man in Black suit said directly to Mr Adams who happen to be Nana's Father
"Okay so like how much will be okay to start this business" Mr Adams asked
"Well it depends on how much you gat but it must be something big so u can get a lot of interest in it" the man replied
"And what is the assurance that it will yield out a good thing" Mr Adams asked
"? percent sir" the man replied
"Thanks for working with us" the young man said and they both shook hand then he left
"Well I think I should invest a whole lot of money in this so it will yield something good" Mr Adams said to himself smilling
At Mr Nath house
"Dad am going to the gym" Christian said to his dad holding his brief case
"And why that look dad" Christian added
"For crying out loud Christian, what type of a child are you huh" his dad me Nath yelled
"C'mmon dad, what have I done wrong" Christian asked
"You've done many things wrong, get a wife Christian, I need to see my grandchild" he said to Christian
"Stop it dad, I am just 26, why are you pushing me into marriage" Christian said
"Oh really ....I know what to do" his dad said
"See you later dad" Christian said and left
Christian P.O.V
Well I am Christian Nathaniel, my dad is a billionaire with so many company, he is a successful business man but I am an opposite of him
I just love being around people, girls especially.... yeah am a womanizer, I flirt around with different girls and am a great seducer, ain't ready to settle down with any woman right now coz i don't believe in love, I only love flirting with girls but av never fell in love, I don't know what it looks like to be in love so I don't think I will ever get married
Of course I am cute, tall in height, fair in complexion, cute smile, cute dimples, broad shoulders, flat Tommy with a great six packs, I go to gym everyday so am totally fit, I should be model but I just hate working
My mom is late so I lived alone with my dad, a cook and gateman so we were just four in that big house, you understand how lonely it will be but I found happiness here among my friends and my babes
"Hey babe" I said to of my girls while walking in to the gym
"You're late this morning" Kate said giving me a peck
"Yeah, but am here now" I said with a smile and kissed her
"I need to do something, catch ya later" I said and left her where she was standing
Well Kate has always been my best bed warmer, we are just friends with benefit no strings attached and believe she is really good in bed, we've fucked in the gym, the swimming pool.... damn I need to concentrate
The next day
At Mr Adams home
Nana's P.O.V
"Dad where are you going to, it's early" I said to my dad who was busy knotting his tie at the front if the mirror
"Well I just need to see someone, it's about a business stuff though" he said to me
"Then let me follow you, you know I also want to business woman" I said to him
"No darling, you don't need to go" dad replied me
"Please dad..... please.... please" I pleaded
"Okay okay, go dress and let's go" dad said
"Thank you Dad" I said pecking him then I rushed to my room and start dressing
"Nana let go" I heard my dad voice calling, mum and my little devil went to the market so we're the only one at home
I rushed downstairs to meet dad, we walked out of then we drive off
Christian P.O.V
I was at the sitting room watching the tv when I heard a knock, I stood up and open the door, I saw a man around his 40s I guess and a young girl, yes I know am a womanizer but trust me she isn't even my type, I wonder what type of woman in this century will dress with all her body covered except her face, even her hair was covered with an head warmer gosh
"Good morning please is Mr Nath at home" the man said
"Oh yeah please come in" I said then they both walk in and sat down while I shut the door and rush upstairs to call Dad, we both walk downstairs, my dad sat down while I sat beside him, my gaze met with the young lady and she shot me deadly look....what....the is the first time a lady will do this after seeing my cute face, guess she is pretending
"It's nice seeing you here Adams" my dad said to the man as they both exchange handshakes
"So any problem, how is business" my dad asked
"Well business is fine sir, I actually came here for an help sir" the man said
"What help" my dad asked him
"Well I need some money to invest into a business which will bring out something good, I don't have enough right now and I will be glad if you can lend me the money, as soon as the work yield out something, I will pay you back" the man said to my dad
"Well borrowing you the money is not the problem but what if the business didn't yield out for good" my dad asked, why will he think of such thing
"I just pray it yield out a good thing" the man replied
"Well let sign an agreement, if the it yield out a good thing, I won't collect back the money" my dad said and I was like what....
"Oh really.... thank you sir" the man said happily
"But if it does not work out for good then you give me this damsel sitting beside you as a wife" my dad said.....like wtf why will he want to marry this young girl
"Dad she is a young girl, you don't need her" I said to my dad
"Sir please she is too young for that" the man said
"Not as my wife but as my son's wife, she will get married to him" my dad said and I and the girl both shouted Whaaaaat......
Nina's P.O.V
"What" I shouted
"Why will you say such thing.....I can't do that, let's go dad" I said angrily giving the guy an irritating look, not on Earth will I ever get married to this rude thing, the only good thing he possess is the cuteness, aside that he has nothing good
"Sir she is still a young girl and not ripe for marriage" my dad said to the old man
"That is my decision and my decision is final, you can go home and think about it," the man said.....too wicked
"Dad....she is not even my type, if you really want a wife, I can get one but not this girl...she is an old school not even my type" the guy said and that pissed me off
"Excuse me, who said I want you as my boyfriend talkless of a husband so just keep those stinking mouth shut" I said to him angrily "stop it nina" dad yelled at me
"Hey whose mouth do u call stinking, how on Earth will I even get married to a rude thing like you" he replied
"Did u just call me a rude thi...ng....I guess u are sick upstairs" I said to him
"Nina are you out of your mind" my dad shouted
"Am sorry sir" my dad said to the old man who was sitting and just staring at us...guess it looks like a drama to him.....but wtf, why is he sorry for nothing
"No no... it's okay and she just gave me another reason to want her as my son's wife, she will be able to handle his madness....I love that" the old man said laughing
"Not funny dad" the guy said to his dad and walk upstairs of course not without giving me a deadly look....like I care?
"I should take my leave now sir, I will get back to you" my dad said to the man
"I will be waiting" the man replied then we both stood up and walk out
"What was that for Nina" my dad said as he started driving out of the big compound
"That guy is rude dad, Don't you see the way he was talking to me" I answered
"But still you shouldn't have reacted that way, if you continue doing this, you can never be successful in business" my dad said to me
"Am sorry dad but dad am not going to marry that guy right" I asked
"Thinking of it, he is cute and rich you know" my dad said
"Dad" I yelled the he hit my cheek smiling
"Get some sense girl, I was just joking, I can never let u get married to someone you don't love and I am sure the business will be successful so no need to panick" my dad said then I hugged him
"I love you Dad" I said then he smile
Christian's P.O.V
"I never knew you're this rude Chris... your mum won't be proud of you wherever she is" dad said to me
"Am sorry dad but that decision was wrong, I mean why will you just decide to get me married to a total stranger, I don't know her, not even her name and you want me to spend the rest of my life I mean my lifetime with her....who does that" I said to dad
"Chris, have always told you to get married but you wouldn't listen so I decide to get you one, I don't know if you shy and besides she is pretty" my dad said
"Me....shy.... u're funny dad, see I have plenty of girls around me, as a matter of fact I don't gist ladies, they do the toasting so am not the shy type, am just not ready and even if am ready, not that girl, she is not even in my class, not my type of girl at all" I said
"Oh really, so tell me, what's your type of woman" my dad asked
"Dad that girl is a n old-school, I love girls that wear classic things not those who cover their body from head to toe and she....is....she is not pretty" I said trying to convince him
"Just look at the you're stammering, I know you are only saying that to change my mind, what do you mean she is not pretty....I mean says who...you need some sense Chris and get this straight, you're marrying that girl either you like it or not" my dad said
"You're really funny dad, what is the guarantee that he will loose the contract or business" I asked..
"Even if he wins the contract, I will find another means to get her" my dad said
"But why dad.... okay I promise to bring you my wife tomorrow" I said to him
"That is the lady I want....she or nobody...final" my dad replied and walk out of my room
"Oh my God" I said laying on my bed...what have I gotten myself into....I need to get myself out of this mess.... But how
I think I got an idea, I took my phone and dialed Kate number
"Hey babe....whatup" I heard Kate voice saying
"Babe I need you right now" I said
"Really....well am horny as well, was watching porn when u called
"C'mmon babe.... it's not about sex....." I said to her
"If it's not sex then wat" she asked
"Can we meet... like right now" I asked
"Of course....where" she answered
"Let meet at the hotel near the gym" I said
"Oh.... okay" she said and hangup
I quickly got dressed and made my way to the hotel...
Few minutes I was dear, I saw Kate sitting in the reception
"Hi" she said giving me a peck
"We need to talk" I said to her
"Yeah I know but let check in to a room so we can talk and do other stuffs" she said to me
"Okay no prob" I said and walk to the receptionist, I payed and we checked into a room
Soon we walk in to the room, she closed the door and started kissing me but I wasn't in any mood for this
"Stop Kate....." I said adjusting from her
"What..... okay.....why did u call me here" she asked, I dipped my hand into my pocket and brought out a ring
"What.... Are you proposing to me.... oh...." She said happily
"Kate..... I'm here for business" I said then the smile fade away from her lips
"My..... dad is trying to get me engaged to someone I don't love and I need to stop this, so this the plan, we will snap some pictures and videos of of me proposing to you, romantic stuff about that, you will have to pretend like you are my fiance so I can get out of this mess" I said
"Just like that.....tell me.....do you even have any feelings towards me huh.....why can't just make it real, propose to me and make me your future wife" she said to me......who on Earth will ever want to date or marry a bitch like her
"Kate listen..... there is no big deal in proposing to you, but first I need to get out this mess I found myself then I can think of the next thing to do" I said to her
"So you mean after everything ends.....you gonna propose to me" she asked
"Of course yes....I truly love you" I said, I gat no feelings though, just trying to convince her
"Then am in" she said
"Oh thank you" I said hugging her
"So when are we starting" she asked
"Ahmmmm I will be taking you to my dad tomorrow so let's snap the pics and make some videos" I said to her
"That's not a problem but I need to satisfy my urge so I can concentrate.....I want you Chris.... let's do this huh” she whisper to my ear and that set me on
We started kissing passionately******