Photo Credit: ‘Judging the Book’ By Aaron Jasinki
I remember times when my parents would say “Place this information at the back of your mind”. Honestly, I found moments like this very unrealistic and amusing. At some point, it made me wonder, ‘’Does the mind have a front, middle, side, legs, arms, and back? If there are many distinct parts, why must I store this information at the back where it won’t be seen? I figured out that the best remedy was to store the information in the middle of my mind where it would be reachable and safe. Shh! Please don’t let my parents know about this little secret 😊. It was just one of my made-up solutions (I was but a child). In fact, where does the mind exist? Where is the mind?
There are a lot of hotly contested debates and postulations on the ideologies, and definitions of the theory of the mind. Since I am just sharing some of my random thoughts with you, my amiable reader, I don’t plan to add any extra clothing to the already clothed theory because I believe that everyone is entitled to their research, prejudice, ancestral knowledge, religion, and determinants that can shape their detonation of ‘what the mind is’.
The Mind Is a Powerful Place…
Reality Soon Struck
I listened to a unique verse: ‘the mind is a powerful place and what you feed it can affect you in a powerful way’ from Nate Feuerstein’s (popularly recognized as NF) 2019 rap music: The Search when I was only a decade old. Although all I did was sync to the melody of the lyrics, my mentality soon changed as I became exposed to the harsh realities of life.
The mind is an open portal that remains ajar at the will of an individual. It is an entity that we as humans have an obligation to guard, build, tame, and tend to.
The vast richness and embodiment of the mind are fed by the senses of the body especially the eyes and the ears. Kindly share your thoughts on this or list other means through which the mind may be accessed.
Whatever goes through the entry points consistently spikes thoughts and feelings we subconsciously process. These stick as memories in the brain as our scientific brethren will say or in the mind-a phenomenon we are yet to decipher. Some things are truly beyond our understanding as humans.
On a battlefield, picture yourself as a super-soldier facing a 90% probability of a telepathic entity acting on its own will, even if it means putting your life, health, and sanity in jeopardy. Exactly!
We find ourselves addicted to material things that we ought to have control of and perhaps end up at the office of therapists for remedies. I see the mind as an entity struggling to be itself within a containment., If you do not resonate with me, how then can one explain individuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder? Yes, Jeni Haynes (Mao, 2019) created 2500 different personalities in order to survive her childhood trauma. As you take seconds to think about this, remember that some things are better left mysterious so that we may appreciate the beauty of nature and abide by its principles.
All I ask of you on this day, dear amiable reader is to care immensely about the wellbeing of your mind and not just your body.
· Be careful of what goes through your entry points
· Set personal boundaries and checkpoints
· Seek medical help in the occurrence of perceived psychological disorders e.g depression, schizophrenia, multiple identity disorder
· Meditate whenever you can and keep it focused on what matters most: ‘inner peace’.
Indeed, I am no expert. I may be only communicating 0.01% of the abundance of what exists. I may not be NF and have not sung a song but I still can resonate to the intent of that verse.
Remember to observe self-care this month. Stay healthy in body, mind, and soul. These elements matter.
Wow! This is very unusual from my writing style and I am elated to have indulged in a carefree piece today. Thoughts like these are the minute tracks that cross our minds daily, for us to meditate upon and take a minute to share in the inner voices of billions of people around the globe.
What impulsive thoughts did you have today? I would love to know. Do feel free to chat about it with me in the comment section.
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