Harbouring unforgiveness in our hearts can traumatize. I was depressed because of unforgiveness.This took a toll in my life. Before I realized the meaning of freedom, I was already damaged. When I decided to forgive, I realized that it brings freedom from those that hurt you.
I experienced total freedom and learned to love just as Christ loved the Church.
Forgiveness is something that you must freely give before you can experience a healthy spiritual life. It's also a key that removes revenge, bitterness and hatred from the soul. We are most like God when we forgive. Forgiveness is a full pardon, It's a fresh start, It's another chance, It's a new beginning, It's the canceling of a debt. It's not burying the hatchet with the handle up so you can grab it, just in case.
If you do not forgive those who have hurt you, They own you. Have you captured that? Picture yourself in a jail cell, with no lights. This is where you have placed yourself if you allow the enemy to control you through unforgiveness.
The moment you make a conscious decision to forgive, the doors of your self-imposed prison will open and you'll be set free.
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