Few years of my experience there was a boy called doga in amatu village, His father baco is a security man in the near by hospital in there village, Her mother beca is a fruit seller in there village market, Doga is the first son of his father among the other six brothers he has, no sister, Doga always known as a gentle boy right from secondary school till university level began to live a miserable life, after taking his senior second school certificate things changes for him, his father baco worked so hard to train doga in the city of Orji University but doga ended up in 200 level in the University base on the difficult circumstances that occurred during the season, doga's father haven't recovered yet for the loan he took to settle the jeniour one's, Doga fix himself in designing work as painter to buggle up in the university and his old father baco will soon retire as a security man in there near by hospital, the responsibility where left alone for doga in the city university, one day doga fell a very terrible sickness which took him so long to recover, no one care's about doga in the campus because doga as a super introvert he is not always recognize in the social life but he has one good friend like him, Ben is doga's age mate and also his best friend in the campus who also live the same life as doga both are perspicacious to themselves and also have the same family background, ben helped doga in his hospital bills, After doga had recoverd he became furious of his situation in the city and Ben also who share the same status with him, both where depressed and began to live a fustrated life, Doga and Ben left the city and return back to the village to re-evaluate, Doga is now 22years old and his jeniour one's are growing old as well, their is no happy life in the family, Ben who is pragmatic in nature became an apprentice in electrical while doga began to live a smoky and roogh life with bad gang he became their boss an live a brutal life, doga's parent's were disappointed at doga not knowing how God is preparing him for a purpose, doga thought he has found the best of friends in brutal life until both where abandoning him one after the order, no one recognize doga again, he went back in his painting skills but he finds it difficult to get work because he feels rejected by coligues, doga didn't understand what is happening to him he began to cry onto God for intervention and moving from one church to other for solution in his life yet no change because he has this doubting and stobbon spirit in him, his no longer comfortable at home not even his parents or brothers regards him every one has lost hope on him and regards him as tout, doga as idealist, creative in nature never measures up to his positive standard.
One day his best friend ben who has become a professional in his electrical work visited doga, He preamble over the roots and reasons for doga's deprivation, doga was totally abashed but ben couldn't give up on doga his best friend because he knew his potential and what he's capable of, Is not too late my best friend is time to make use of your inner quality, think of what you have my friend I know you as a creative and idealistic he said make up your positive standard, doga as a guy of instinct was astounded by ben and realize himself he said you are indeed my best friend, No one have has convinced doga, not even his father known him like ben, both boggled up together and became anxious to travel, finally doga and ben left the country and embrace fortune.