Pen: (thinking about how she and Eric spent the day.) I can't believer he cares of me this much. Am so excited. Let me pay him a visit tonight, am sure he will be happy to see me.
(Dresses up and rush out of her house)
Pen: knock knock!!!
(Door opens)
Pen: Hey Eric, what's up with you. (Beams excitedly)
Eric: Hey Pen, I wasn't expecting you this evening.
Pen: Well, misses u already. So I thought to come and see you. I know you already misses me also..
Eric: (chuckles) I still saw you few hours ago Pen. Anyway come in, I wanna introduce someone to you.
(Both entered his house)
Eric: meet Ella, my new girlfriend. Ella meet Penelope, my close friend.
Ella: Hi Penelope
Pen: Hi (replied awkwardly and turned to Eric)
Pen: hmm, since wen? (Hurt filled her eyes)
Eric: you remember me telling you about meeting a beautiful girl and falling for her almost immediately about 3 weeks ago, well here she is. You know what, this call for a celebration.
Pen: But I thought you weren't serious back then or maybe you were just fooling around. (Was coming shaking from anger)
Eric: hmm.... no. Pen what's wrong?
(But Eric and Ella stared at her surprising outburst).
Pen: Good bye (turned back and left the house while slamming the door angrily).
What went wrong in this short story? Is anyone to be blamed?
One thing everyone has to remember when having an overwhelming emotion is Patience. Be it anger, happiness, betrayal, joy etc. Always remember to be patient and think before reacting whether through actions or words. Although this maybe difficult for people to do which in turn makes me answer the second question above as "No one is to be blamed".
In a lame man's definition, Emotion is the feeling derived circumstances, mood or one's relationship with others.
Based on this short story, all of them felt an emotion but one person emotion was stronger than the others.
Pen felt and overwhelming sense of Love and care from Eric due to the way the spent thicker day together at the beginning of the story and an overwhelming telling of hurt causing her to walk out angrily and slamming the door, making it obvious that something was wrong somewhere at the end of the story. A smart person will guess that she got angry due to Eric new relationship with Ella.
An overwhelming feeling can sometimes destroy bond and relationship unless handled with maturity. Let's begin with Emotion "Love".
Love is a very sweet feeling that one get easily addicted to. It can also be unsure. Whenever you feel this overwhelming love for someone, be careful of your next action. Learn to never dive head straight into uncertainty. When it is certain that both parties feels the same way for each other, then patience can be ignored or set aside. When one individual isn't sure of the feeling of the other individual, such overwhelmed person should invite patience before reacting. If you feel overwhelmed and aren't sure of of the situation, why don't you be patient and handled it differently. For example, if I have an extremely close friend that you share secret with and aren't scared of being judged from him/her or a parent or sibling you are really close with and you discuss matters with be it mom, dad, sister or brother you can discuss it with such person first. Hear what him/her has to say but it is not necessary to do what was said. Calm down for a few days to study the other person feeling you weren't sure about before. After which, you conclude on what to do before acting. Doing all this corresponds to having patience.
Another example is writing it out in a diary or a book. It can be torned afterwards and if not, it should be kept safe.
These examples summary one thing which is letting out part of the overwhelming emotion so as to be patient and control what happens next.
If one can't do these examples, then it is better to keep it within one self and study the other person feeling before deciding what to do or if you are bold, strong and matured enough, you can walk up to the other person to open up about the circumstances and hear his/her side of the story and if it doesn't work out to your favour, you forget about what happened and move on. It's up to you to decide if to still keep the love or discard it. Although this last attempt is strongly not advisable as you don't know how the other person while handle the situation. Some might embarrass you she some might intentionally or unintentionally cut of whatever relationship or friendship exist prior to the confrontation.
The second Emotion: Pain
Pain is a feeling of either being hurt or betrayed. Overwhelmed Pain can result to extreme anger which can make one overrated before thinking.
In some situations, such reaction might be justified but nevertheless it is not advisable to react before thinking due to anger whatever the situation might be.
An overwhelming anger or pain also need patience before actions can be made. When a person is angry, some of the best ways to not overreact are stated below:
Firstly, engage in your favourite hobbies or anything that can take you mind off the situation temporarily. These allows you to calm down and think of what to do next before reacting.
Secondly is to talk a walk or jog just to clear your head and cool your mind. In order to have a clear mind of. What to do next about the situation. It's sometimes happens when you won't be able to leave the area you are, probably if you are in the presence of your parents or elderly one and you can't walk out or even take excuse to leave their presence as it will be counted as an act of disrespect before exploding, this is where Patience is more than extremely needed. You can partly focus on your breathe and slowly breath in and out until you are able to leave. This also help to control anger emotion.
The last method is to swallow your anger and smile through it. Doing this, the other party won't even know you are angry at that particular period. After a while and you are already calm, you can now go to the person to talk smoothly to him/her just to let them know you were offended by what they said earlier and you just thought to let them know. Always note, never bottle up anger emotion as it is very dangerous.
Overwhelmed Emotion can be blinding but never allow your emotions to cloud your judgment. These might sometimes be difficult to do but remember that "practice make perfect". Always practice these steps whenever you are in the situation of overwhelming love or pain. It might prove difficult but learn to look ahead of a situation even before action is being made and decide which is more better. Save yourself from embarrassment and learn to practice patience in all situation.
Thank you.
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