Chapter 4 - Not Everyone Is Destined For Love
I was pulled to her
Like magnet pulls metal
Or maybe, she was my black hole
I don't really know what I am to her
But she was my petal
I just don't know, if I have fallen into a pothole
I started falling for her even before I saw her face
Before I even heard her voice
And before I caught a glimpse of her perfectly slim body
She has too beautiful a face
Too lovely a voice
And too perfect a body
But things do not always go well
In this godforsaken world
A beauty like her
Has little chance of been single as well
I wanted her to be my world
But maybe I never was able to please her
In this world, I may not be the best man
But all I wanted was some love
I simply knew not, that I would never get it
Sitting in my room as a lonely man
I realized not everyone was destined for love
I just had to come to terms with it.