Someone said life is a GAME.
Another said it's a journey to FAME.
Dunno how you see it, but Life is more than a NAME.
It's as if my life is TUMBLING.
Don't know what to do, I keep STRUGGLING.
I asked men for help yet they keep FUMBLING.
I entered into DEFRAUDING
I became unpredictable and began SINNING.
I went to my pastor, he says I should keep PRAYING
As if, if he tells me the truth I would stop TITHING
He knew the truth about me yet he kept REFERRING me to one Jesus.
I became angry because this was UNEXPECTED
I became more FRUSTRATED because my life was CAPSIDED
I Finally DECIDED To commit suicide
Then I heard a voice that RESOUNDED
With a clear dexterity in his Voice, he said
My son Death is the only way to RELAXATION!
In a moment I heard another voice
My son You Don't have to commit suicide to gain FREEDOM
I am the way, the truth and Life; why not belong to my KINGDOM
What do you think, will he use his WISDOM?