Chapter 22 - Epilogue
So Mrs mheerat Owolabi can you give us a brief story of your journey becoming the CEO of the biggest fashion empire in the Nigeria. Not just here but in 3 different countries also. The host of the of the show which I was being interviewed on right now said to me.
Well let's just say the story began with me being my husband's P.A. We both fell in love with each other and got married. Through the years, my husband has supported my dreams. He never gave up on me. He taught me all there is to know. I couldn't have done this without him. I moved to this city to accomplish my goal and today I have done that. And to my family and friends who supported me through this journey, I just want to say thank you.
Indeed that was a great story. To everyone out there who has dreams of becoming someone great in life .Don't not give up on your dreams not matter how life hits you hard. If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Let's give a round of applause to Mrs mheerat Owolabi over here.
Thank you everyone and God bless you.
I turned to my family in the audience. My husband smiling at me with a proud look in his eyes. Our first child maliyah who's 6 sat down next to her dad. Our youngest son majeed who's 4 was sitting on his dad's leg.
Yaaay our mummy is the best. Mj said when I got to where they were seated. Awwn thank you my baby. Congratulations mummy maliyah said hugging me. Thanks my baby. And what about you hubby. Won't you say anything to your wife?
I don't have to say it before you know that you're a phenomenal wife and a great mother. Congratulation my love.
Awwwn am touched. Thank you baby. Mummy mummy let's go we've planned a surprise for you mj blurted out. Mj why did you have to ruin the surprise for mummy maliyah said to him. It's ok my babies, mj didn't ruin the surprise for mummy.
Well he did. He ruined the surprise. Way to go mj.
Why are you blaming your son like that. You'll have to make it up to him ok? I said to afeez.
Yeah yeah don't worry mj. We'll go have ice cream tomorrow.
"Surprise" Everyone shouted the moment I walked into the house. They were all there, my friends and family gathered to celebrate my success with me.
Cheers! Everyone replied.
Am so glad to see you all here tonight to celebrate this journey with me. I couldn't have done it out you guys. Thanks for coming everyone.
Hey hey hey congratulations to one of the most successful woman in the country and who's also my best friend.
Zulaykha thank you so much for coming. Hope my baby is kicking? Zulaykha got married to her crush . Yup! that same guy at her place of work who gets her flowers and takes her out on dates. They have a beautiful daughter nabillah who's the same age as maliyah and they're currently expecting another baby on the way.
Nazee indeed found the love of her life at my wedding. She met Jamal and they both fell in love. They got married and have a set of beautiful twin boys Aman and Asif.
Leo currently got engaged to my secretary Olivia.
Life is good when you have friends and family surrounding you. Life is full of mystery. It has its ups and downs. But one thing one can do no matter the situation they find thierselves in....
Is never give up. Chase your dreams champ.