Chasing Her Dreams

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

Pheeya2022/06/20 21:13

*family visit


I got into my office and she was already there. She sat on the couch with her legs crossed. A file on her hand and a laptop next to her. She seemed so focused on what she was doing. More so, she looks beautiful. She wasn't aware I entered the office until I dropped my bag hard on my desk to gain her attention.

Good morning sir. Am so sorry I didn't hear you walk in. It's ok. Good morning how as your night? It was fine sir. Thanks for asking. So what is it you're working on that got you so distracted. Am working on a new concept for the billboard sir. I've picked out some cool designs I think you will like. And I also have an idea on how it will go.

Well that's very good mheerat I said to her after seeing what she was working on. I must say, she's very talented. She takes her work very seriously and I like that. Keep up the good work mheerat. We'll use your concept for the billboard and the advertisement. We will lunch the product by next week Saturday so I'll need you to have them ready before then so we can give the production department to start working on it. Alright sir I'll get it done by next Monday. That's good. Thank you.


I got back to my desk to continue working on my concept. My phone rang distracting me from what I was doing. It's my mum calling. Hello good afternoon mummy.

Good afternoon my dear. How are you doing. We are on our way to Lagos right now. We'll be at your house in a few hours. We will let you know when we get there.

Really? Ok ma I said sounding so excited. Just let me know when you get to the park so I'll come pick you. Ok my dear. I'll call you. Yayyyyyyy my family are coming over later. I can't wait to see them. It's been over 2 months since I moved here it's high time they came to visit.

I went into Mr Owolabi's office. Excuse me sir. I got a call from my mum just know that my family are coming over later. I'd like to request that I get off work early together so I can prepare before they arrive sir. It's ok you can leave early, just sign on the register at the reception before you leave. All right. Thank you sir.

I got my bag, and signed off before leaving the building. I took a cab to the market to get somethings I'll use to make dinner for my family when they arrive. Am so excited to see them. I got everything I wanted and headed home.

I made jollof rice and peppered Chicken. It's rihannat and ateeq's favorite. So I prepared it just for the little ones. I was done cooking and changed into somethings comfortable. My mum's call came in informing me that they were at the park already. I hurried to go pick them.

I couldn't hide my joy the moment I saw them. I can't believe you guys are here. I've missed you so much. We've missed you to dear. How is lagos treating you my mum asked. Very fine mummy. This city is nice. So you guys decided to pay me a surprise visit huh! . Yes dear my dad said. But also I got a call from my manager. He said we would be having a meeting here with some of our clients so we used it as an opportunity to come see you.

So how long are you staying because I want you to stay for a while I asked serving their meal. Well your dad's meeting is only going to last for 2 days. So we'll be staying for two days because ateeq and rihannat have to be in school by then. I wasn't happy that they won't be staying for long but I'll make those two days worth it.

My siblings and I decided to have a movie marathon. Ateeq wanted a marvel studio movie while rihannat and I wanted K-drama. So we made it even. For the first 3hours we'll go for ateeq's movie choice while the rest of the night will be for K-drama. I miss moments like this. Spending time with my family. Am so glad I get to spend time with them even if it's just for two days.

The next day zulaykha came over. We planned an for an amazing time today. First we went shopping, then swimming, playing games in the arcade, horse back riding, and car racing. Later we went to an ice cream shop picking all kinds of flavours of ice cream and toppings.

Today was so much fun. It's a bummer my family will be leaving first thing in the morning. But they have to so they can arrive home early instead of night time. After my family left zulaykha and I spent the whole day together. We had a sleep over at her apartment. It's the first time I've been to her house and it's really nice. She lives in a well furnished condo. A spacious living room, a big kitchen and two bedrooms.

We played Pokemon, Mario kart and mortal Kombat. We had a dance off competition and I won. Am a really good dancer of course. And I made all those TikTok video challenges I planned on doing. We talked about relationships. Zulaykha has this guy at work who has a serious crush on her. He always got her flowers and took her out on dates.

Awwwn what a gentle man

The next day, I took a stroll down town in the evening. I haven't really had one since I moved here so today just felt like the perfect day for a quiet walk. The sun was setting, birds flying, people coming out of thier houses to either take a stroll or watch the beautiful sunset. 

I heard someone call my name but I couldn't figure out where my name was coming from. I turned towards east and there he was. A center piece amongst the crowd. This coat swaying as he walked up to me.

What are you doing out here miss Ibrahim?

I live around here sir. I just decided to take a stroll.

What a coincidence. I also decided to take one. Hope you don't mind if I join you?

No problem sir. We ended up walking together. We stopped at the central park. Sitting on a bench while watching the beauty night sky form.

So mheerat have you ever had a bad date before?

Yes I have. I meet this guy on my way from class on day.  We spoke for a bit before he collected my number promising he'll call later. That night he called me and asked me out to dinner. We got to the restaurant and ordered what we wanted. After eating, he took an excuse that he had an important phone call.

Could you believe I waited for this guy for about 30mins he didn't show up. He literally flee after having a free meal. Lucky for me I had money on me if not I would have washed plates that day.

Hahahah his laugh felt like music to my ears. Are you saying that this guy actually called you out for dinner, ordered for food, ate to his satisfaction and ran away. Wow! He's gat some nerves.

I know right can you imagine. I felt so embarrassed that day I felt like the floor could open up and swallow me. Since then I've been avoiding guys like that.

So what about you sir? Have you had any bad dates before?

Well yes I have. There was this girl I liked. We were a few months into the relationship. tho it was a long time ago. I invited her for a picnic just for the both of us. While we were discussing, her phone rang. She told whoever she was talking to that she was at home and doing nothing. I thought I didn't hear her well. Not until she said her brother was with her. She literally referred to me as her brother.

I didn't even know what to say. Few minutes later, she said she wanted to leave that someone was coming to pick her up. And she felt. Since then she never called nor came back not until a after a month. She called me apologizing for what happened the last time. I was still so upset with what she did. I immediately blocked her. If she could do that to me what guarantee do I have she wouldn't do it again. So I cut her off.

Wow! Some people are crazy you know. Am sure the guy who called her ditched her then she came running back to you I said to him.

But by any chance mheerat are you single?

Yup am single. What about you I asked him.

"Am also single...