Mabrouck052022/06/04 12:52

To get started all you need is an Instagram account, a nice username, attractive profile picture and impressive bio.

If you are ready for these things, then you are ready to post and begin your marketing campaign.


1. Select your niche: Before you can start marketing on Instagram, you need to pick a niche in which you’re going to operate. The best way to find a suitable niche for yourself is to look at the things which interest you the most or the things in which you are good at.

For example; if you are a fashionista and love to stay updated with the latest fashion trends then you can start an Instagram account on which you can regularly share fashion trends, styles, tips and tricks with your audience.

2. Fill out your bio correctly: Your bio is the first place where your potential followers get the information about you. So you need to make sure it is creating the perfect first impression on them.

You can add one or two liner description, a link to your website, and emoticons for catching attention.

You can also add in few keywords and a couple of hashtags to ensure that you’re easily searchable by the right kind of followers.

3. Create posts for your ideal followers: Before you can start posting images on your account do some research and find out what people like the most in your niche? Which images are going to appeal them? Which taglines will make the best impact on them? And so on.

Finding answers to questions mentioned above will help you to create targeted posts which will fetch in lots of true followers to your account.

4. Post regularly: To grow your followers at a faster rate, you must post several images per day. But make sure you don’t post all of them at once, post them at a different time in a day. Sometimes if you are too busy to post several images then try to post at least one picture every day.

5. Use only high-quality images: Your Instagram account should be a brand. So make sure you are posting only high-quality images with best effects.

There’s no point in posting low-quality images as they all decrease your account’s value.

High-quality images build a long lasting visual impression into the minds of your followers, they also help to catch the eyes of the many casual browsers who will just discover you only because your high-quality image grabbed their attention, eventually increasing your followers.

6. Use relevant hashtags: Hashtags is the most dominant feature of Instagram, if used cleverly they’ll help your posts to reach millions of people who might be interested in your profile. Do some research and find the best hashtags within your niche and make sure you are including them in every single post.

Visit the website for discovering most popular tags within your niche.

Also, keep the hashtags relevant, and don’t try to fit in too many. Instagram allows you to post 30 hashtags per post.

7. Engage with your followers: You need to interact with your followers to build trust, get an insight into their problems, needs, and expectations so that you can use this data to bring in more relevant content for them.

A simple way to engage with your current followers or potential followers within your niche is by liking their images, providing valuable comments or even following them back.

You can even run daily contests which might seem relevant to your followers.

For example, a reputed watch brand runs a “Pic of the day” of the day contest in which they ask their customers to post images wearing the brand’s watch.

They then select the best image out of submitted ones and post it on their Instagram profile.

Followers like such contests because if selected they get the chance to become popular among the brand’s other followers.